chapter 89

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Demi led me out of her office and down the hall to a locked door.

She grabbed her keys and quickly grabbed the one she needed, putting it in the lock and quickly unlocking it.

"Alright, signed papers go in this cabinet." She walked over and patted a tall light blue filing cabinet.

I walked in and she opened the drawer. The folders inside had some student's names on it. Mine was all the way in the front.

It also had many more papers than the rest.

Demi quickly closed it and grabbed my hand, leading me out of the room.

"Technically you weren't even supposed to know that room existed but here we are." She quickly locked the room back up and grabbed my hand again, leading me back to her office.

As we walked, I wondered for a moment about why my folder was much more filled.

I glanced up as we got to Demi's office.

She opened the door to her office and walked in, I followed right after her.

Demi went and sat down at her desk, I went over and sat on the chair next to her desk.

"What do I do now since those papers are filed?", Demi looked at me and smiled, opening her arms and leaning back in her chair.

I quickly got up and sat in her lap, snuggling up against her and just letting myself relax.

As we sat, I started to think about my folder again. Granted since I've been here I've had my fair share of problems, the folder seemed to have WAY more papers than needed.

I sat forward a little and looked at Demi, she smiled and pulled my head a little closer and kissed me.

"What's up? Why you staring at me?", I grabbed her hand and just held it for a moment, wondering if it was really even worth asking.

Demi sat up a little more and held my face in her hands, a slight look of worry on her face.

"Ry, what's wrong? You look freaked out?", I sighed and shook my head.

"I'm not freaked out, just confused. When we went into the room with all the filing cabinets, my folder had so much more in it compared to the others.", Demi nodded and pulled me closer, wrapping her arms around me and running her hand along my side.

"Well yeah, there is a lot more. But you have to remember all the stuff that's happened to you since you've been here. Fights, instructors losing their shit. Unfortunately, I have to document everything that happens, even if you're my sub.", I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Doesn't really mean anything besides that. I just need to have everything documented. You don't have to worry baby, if it meant something worse we would have talked about it already.", I hummed and went back to holding her hand, fiddling with her fingers as we sat.

The silence made me start to think even more, not just about the folder but about me being at the academy in general.

I sighed and just stared at the floor. "I'm guessing I'm failing my classes, right?", Demi tilted her head and held in a breath.

"Um...yeah. I wouldn't worry though, all the classes you're taking are mostly stuff you'll learn again next year. Obviously you'll need to catch up for this year, but anything you don't have down pact this year you'll understand better next time." I nodded and just closed my eyes.

"Is there any way I can start trying to catch up now? Not like right now, but like in the coming months?", Demi didn't say anything which made me open my eyes and move a little to see her face. She smiled and nodded at me.

"I'll see what I can do. For the most part you'll end up just having to reread some slides and maybe read a few articles. But from there on it'll be tests.", I hummed and sat up a little more, stretching my body.

Demi rested her hands on my waist and placed a kiss on my cheek when I finished stretching.

"Wanna go back to my dorm or just relax in here for a little while?"

"It depends, can I get caught up on any of my classes?", Demi smiled and pulled me closer, hugging me. 

"Let me find the material for your classes, and we can go back to my dorm to do it, ill teach you the material.", I nodded and stood up, grabbing my stuff and waiting for Demi.

She smiled and stood up, stretching and grabbing all of her stuff as well. "Alright, we can go now.", I nodded and walked over to the door, opening it and waiting for Demi to get her keys.

We walked out of her office, Demi locking the door behind us. I grabbed her arm and linked our arms together. Demi smiled, kissing my head and leading me down the stairs and out the door.

We walked quickly to her dorm, getting in and putting our stuff down.

Demi walked over and lead me to the couch, pulling me on her lap and grabbing her laptop off of the table in front of us.

"Ok, so let me pull up some of the notes, I think for now we'll just go over some basic stuff.", I nodded and slid off of her lap, leaning my head against her shoulder. I watched as she pulled up some of the slides for the classes.

"Ok, for now, lets start with breath play.", I nodded and stood up, walking over and just slowly pacing. Demi went silent and stared at me.

"I don't know why I'm pacing, it just feels right." She laughed and nodded, going back to looking at the computer screen.

"Ok, anyways, breath play. Now I know it'll never be you choking anyone out, but if I was to start putting my hand on your throat, it'll only ever be the sides that I squeeze. Squeezing the front or pushing on the front is bad."

"Pushing or squeezing the front can crush my windpipe.", Demi nodded and gave me a thumbs up.

"Glad to see you already know that. If I ever go to choke you and it feels more like I'm doing it on the front, use your safe word. What is it again?", Demi looked up and waited for my answer.

"It's red to stop, yellow to slow, and green to go." I smiled and bounced a little in place as I answered.

"Good job baby." Demi got up and came over, kissing me and pulling me over closer to the couch.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a package of cookies, breaking a piece off and handing it to me.

"Might as well reward you for correct answers."

I rolled my eyes as I quickly ate the piece of cookie.

"Alright, now do you know what other risks there are to that?", Demi looked up at me and smiled.

I spun myself around a little, thinking a bit before answering.

"Um...I'm not sure...." Demi smiled and nodded.

"It's alright baby, we'll come back to that. I think now we'll go onto bondage and its risks."

I sat myself next to Demi and leaned against her again, I stared at the slides on the screen, seeing the number of slides. 

I sighed and closed my eyes. Demi chuckled a little and leaned her head on mine.

"Don't worry baby, we'll get through all of them, one by one."'s been a while. I've still been checking up on here, reading all of the comment and seeing who added the story. Which btw, thank you to all of those who commented and added and voted, means a lot. 

As much as I'd like to go into detail on why I just *poofed* into thin air, I think it would be better if I don't. Ill summarize it for everyone though.

2020 happened and I lost all motivation, that's basically it. 

I hope to continue writing as time goes on, definitely will never go back to my original writing schedule, I don't have that in me anymore to write every day.

Hope you all understand.

Also, if you've checked my page in general, you may have seen my banner and profile pic have been changed, there is a reason.

I'm basically rebranding myself. From the beginning I've gone by Jace, however I no longer like that name and have actually come to hate it, thus the rebranding. I'm still me, just a new name. 

That is all, see ya in the next chapter...eventually.


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