chapter 2

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The dining hall was huge.

It was nothing like a school cafeteria or even a multi purpose room.

It was much bigger. And louder.

I made a tiny whimper as I walked in, the noise hurting my ears. I walked over to the little bar like thing that held the food.

I grabbed two slices of pizza and some mac and cheese. I got a water bottle also and made my way over to a table in the far corner.

Everyone around me chatted and made conversation.

I on the other hand went on my phone and put my earbuds in.

I played some games that were on my phone, mostly coloring ones.

I glanced up every once and a while. Mostly to look out for Mistress Lovato.

I went back to my phone until I didn't hear a lot of noise around me.

I looked up, expecting there to be a fight or something, Mistress Lovato had opened the big dinning hall doors and walked in.

"Son of a bitch.." I whispered to myself.

I shook my head and ate the last of my pizza, getting ready to get out of there before she saw me.

Then again that was my plan, it didn't work that way.

Right as I went to get up to leave Mistress Lovato walked over and sat in front of me.

I sighed and cursed at myself for not getting up sooner.

She made the gesture to pull out my earbuds which I slowly did.

She smiled and folded her hands.

"You thought you could sneak out didn't you?" I grumbled and folded my arms across my chest.

"Anyways, what did you eat for dinner?" I looked up and took my water, taking a long exaggerated sip.

"pizza" I said. Well it was more a gurgle with a mouth full of water.

She gave a disapproving look and shook her head.

"are you a picky eater?" I nodded and slouched in my seat.

She nodded and stood up. "I have to go, Bye. Oh- and by the way, tomorrow your morning classes are at 10, I already informed your instructors to keep attendance and to look for you."

I sighed and nodded, not really caring anymore.

Mistress Lovato walked back over to me real quick and grabbed my chin.

"You are going to watch you damn attitude Ry before I punish you. Do not test me." I pulled my head away and sat back in my seat.

I looked behind her and saw people looking our direction.

My face became red and I started to get extremely nervous. Tears welled up and I got up in an instant.

I stormed out of the dining hall in seconds, people watching and the sound of heels coming after me.

I ran towards the building that held my dorm. Running up the stairs two at a time.

I unlocked my dorm and slammed the door shut, locking it as well. Though the lock would do no good when Mistress Lovato got here.

I walked over and threw myself onto the bed.

Yanking the covers over my head and body.

The room was already dark as shit so all you would of seen was a lump under the covers.

I cried and curled farther under the covers.

When my door unlocked and opened I laid on my side with the blankets around my head.

Only one light gt flipped on, the sound of heels clicked through the soft carpet.

Mistress Lovato put her hand on my arm. I shrugged it off and burrowed farther under the covers.

She sighed and might have crouched down.

"Ry can you please look at me?" I ignored her and just closed my eyes.

She gently shook me and seemed to get irritated when I didn't respond.

"honey I understand your mad at me but I want to talk." I sat up and pushed the blankets off of my head.

"Yeah I'm fucking mad. You embarrassed me in front of basically everyone. I don't want to fucking talk cause you treat me like I'm a child. Why don't you just go to your office and just be the head mistress. I don't need extra lessons or whatever you called them! If you want me at this fucking school just don't bother me. Kick me out cause of my attitude I wont give two shits." I stopped myself before I could say more.

Mistress Lovato didn't say a word.

She kept her mouth shut. Her eyes scanning over my face as if it was going to be the last time she ever saw me.

She sighed and shrugged walking towards the door.

"Your classes are at 10 tomorrow, I will be meeting with you after as well." she closed the door before I could speak.

Maybe she was meeting with me to kick me out.

I didn't care, I just couldn't stand her relentless way of treating me like I was a little kid.

I sighed quietly and got up, I opened my bag and took out all my clothes, stuffing them into the drawers of the bureau and got undressed.

I kept out my sweatpants and t-shirt, putting those on once out of my normal clothing.

I threw my clothing on the floor and got into the bed.

It was comfy as fuck.

I groaned and closed my eyes, hoping sleep would take over soon.

I laid around for what seemed like forever, wake as ever.

I tossed and turned but just couldn't fall asleep.

I sat up, my eyes trying to adjust to the dark room.

I got up and flicked the light on. I walked around for a while, trying t make my body tired. Nothing worked.

I groaned and walked over and unplugged my phone from the charger. I turned it on and went straight to emails.

I had a feeling on why I couldn't sleep.

I opened a new email and typed away. I wrote about a paragraph and a half, pressing send and sitting down. I felt a little better but not 100% better.

Hopefully Mistress Lovato would respond to my email.

I had to apologize, that's all I could think to do.

I had acted like an asshole and now I was paying for it. It wasn't the first time something like this has happened.

I would sometimes mouth off to friends and have to text them late at night to apologize just because it was keeping me awake.

A good portion of the time they would respond right away.

Hopefully Mistress Lovato is like those old friends, easy to piss off but they'll accept your apology right away.

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