chapter 1

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"Hello everyone!" The voiced boomed out of the microphone.

I looked up, still fiddling with my fingers.

The auditorium was packed to say the least. There were some people standing, others sitting. Some people sitting on others laps.

It was sorta a mess.

The room was slightly dim, a spotlight on the stage.

A woman who looked to be in her early twenties was standing there.

She had one a simple black pencil skirt, it hugged her curves and made her seem intimidating.

Her blouse was just white and she had left the top button undone.

I couldn't tell if it was on purpose or not. It didn't matter though.

All that mattered was figuring out why I got accepted into this academy.

It made no sense, I was already out of school and I never put in an application. So why was I chosen?

The woman tapped the mic, making a horrible screeching noise emit from it.

The room went silent and we all waited.

She smiled and started her speech.

"Hello everyone. I am happy to see so many happy and excited faces here. Now first off I'm the headmistress of this academy. My name is Demi Lovato but you will all address me as mistress Lovato." She stopped talking, letting the small tid-bit of info sink in.

The pause slowly turned into everyone talking which stopped again when mistress Lovato tapped the mic.

The noise was hurting my ears but I couldn't do anything.

She cleared her throat and started again.

"Anyways, I want to say that I hope you all have a great year, for anyone who has been here before you already know the rules. If you are new here all together you must stay here after I dismiss everyone." I slumped down in my seat, kinda scared to have to stay after.

She went through what I assumed was the normal procedure.

After she dismissed everyone, only the freshman, or so I assumed the freshman, stayed.

She walked off the stage and pulled a fold-able chair forward, sitting around twenty feet from me. She motioned for everyone to come sit towards the front.

Everyone got up and moved forward, there was sorta a big space left around me.

No one sat besides me or in the two seats behind me. I slumped down even farther and pulled my hoodie up just a little.

A small group of people sat near me but not next to me.

One of the girls had black hair and green eyes, another had short curly hair and seemed to be playful. She also had a lot of tattoos.  Another one had sorta blonde hair and was with the other two. A boy sat besides them and seemed shy, he had bleached blonde hair.

Mistress Lovato moved forward again and sat back down.

There was only about eighteen people so the mic wasn't needed.

"So as many of you know this is an academy for dominate and submissive people, as well as people with kinks and who are switches." I knew that much which still made me question my acceptance.

"I'm simply going to take each of you aside and talk to you about your acceptance and where you want to be placed, though most of you already have a place in mind." Mistress Lovato got up and walked to the back, pointing to a girl who was very excited.

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