chapter 79

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"Come here baby.", She led me over to the couch and sat down, pulling me onto her lap. I whimpered as she wrapped her arms around my waist. I bit my lip, my mind still on the whole game in class situation.

Demi gently touched my face and looked at me concerned.

"Hey, you alright? You spaced out for a second.", I nodded and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, pressing my body against hers.

"Hey, no baby, look at me.", she pulled me back and gently grabbed my face, holding it in her hands. "What's wrong? You look upset.", I shook my head and sighed, pressing my forehead against her shoulder.

"I'm just a little tired.", she turned me around in her lap and held me against her chest.

"Just take a nap ba-", I shook my head and sat up, not wanting to actually fall asleep.

"No, it's fine, you can continue, I'll sleep after.", Demi huffed and crossed her arms, looking at me seriously.

I whined and grabbed her hands, placing them on my hips.

She didn't move or anything, just kept looking at me.

I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, laying my head on her shoulder.

"Please can we play Mistress?", I sat up and pouted, giving her puppy eyes.

Demi gave a small smile and pulled me closer, kissing my face and rubbing my back.

"Are you sure baby? If you're tired you can just sleep.", I whined and sat back, grabbing her hands and playing with them.

"Wanna play...",Demi sighed and gently pushed me off her lap and onto the couch.

I laid down but still held her hands, placing then on my chest.

She chuckled and pulled me by my hips.

She leaned down and hovered over me, chuckling as I shivered.

"You gonna be my go-", before she could finish her sentence the sound if her phone was heard.

She sighed and sat rolled her eyes, getting up and grabbing it.

I bit my lip and could feel myself about to cry.

It was definitely Lauren, she wasn't joking when she said she'd call.

"Hello...hey Lauren.", tears quickly welled up in my eyes as she spoke. I sat up a little and peaked over the couch, watching as she talked.

Demi went silent for a moment, quickly glancing over at me. I laid back down and curled up, not wanting to upset her.

"Yeah...alright, thanks for letting me know.", She quickly said goodbye and ended the call.

I shoved my face in the couch, feeling dumb for crying.

I heard Demi walk over, stopping beside the couch. She out a hand on my side and gently rubbed her hand around.

"Hey it's fine baby, I'm not gonna punish you.",I whimpered and curled up even more.

"Baby it's alright, I'm not mad. You took notes and behaved, playing a game isn't bad.", She wrapped her arms around me and turned me around, she sat on the couch and pulled me into her lap.

I sniffled and let out a whine.

"I-I feel bad cause you've be-en so nice and chill with me. And then I go and pla-y games in class! I clearly don't take t-his stuff serious!", I let out a sob and held onto her.

"Baby listen, it's fine. I don't care if you play games in class, as long as you take notes and behaved that's all that matters.",I whimpered and held onto her, still feeling guilty.

"Come on, just relax baby, we can still play and have fun if you calm down.", Demi gently wrapped her arms around my body and picked me up, bringing me into the bedroom.

She laid me on the bed, crawling over me and placing kisses along my face. I sniffled and wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her body closer to mine. She chuckled and moved back, smiling at me.

She gently wiped a tear away from my face and leaned down, kissing along my jaw.

I let out a small gasp and held onto her, pushing my legs up and wrapping them around her. She chuckled and reached behind herself, grabbing my legs and untangling them, pushing my legs up and laying her body against mine.

"Lets get you undressed baby. You don't need all these clothes.", she pulled back and smirked, pulling me up so I was sitting. She unbottoned my shirt and threw it to the side, doing the same with my bra. She quickly undid my belt and pulled my pants off. I kicked off my shoes and sniffled again, my nose feeling stuffy.

Demi smiled, reaching over and grabbing me a tissue, she handed it to me and started to undress. I blew my nose and quickly tossed it in the trashcan beside the nightstand.

I laid back and watched as she undressed, going slow as she pulled each part of her clothes off.

Demi chuckled as she pulled all her clothes off, leaning over me and smiling.

"You gonna be a good girl?", I nodded, reaching up and wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She came closer and kissed my neck, her hands slowly moving along my sides.

I let out a shaky breath as she moved her hands lower, a smirked growing on her face as she did. 

She quickly pushed her hand between my legs, chuckling as I pushed my hips up against her hand. I whimpered and grabbed her hand, holding it against me.

"Don't be so needy baby, You gotta wait a little, let me tease you before we play.", I whined and let go over hand, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

I pushed my face into her neck and let out a gasp as she gently toyed with me.

"Show me how quiet you can be baby.", I held back a moan as she pushed her two fingers, I bucked my hips up and grabbed her hand, pulling it closer.

She pressed her palm against my clit, slowly rubbing against it.

She moved her head back a little and chuckled as my mouth hung open.

She sat back and brought her other hand up, quickly pushing her other fingers into my mouth.

"Be a good girl and make use of your mouth for me."

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