chapter 22

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"Nothing is on my mind, I just don't want to go out when I have two grown men hunting me down." Demi sighed and moved her chair back, patting her lap for me to sit down.

I stood up and walked over, sitting on her lap and letting her wrap her arms around me.

"I know you're scared of the instructors but I can tell something else is bothering you. Please tell me what's bothering you." I laid my head on her shoulder and sighed quietly.

How was I gonna say that her tone made me sad? How?

Demi pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head.

"I was...I guess kinda taken back when I walked out of your room. When you had your arms crossed you look like you dreading going out just hit me and made me sad. Sorry for making you worry, it wasn't even important." Demi quickly turned me around so I was facing her.

Her face was serious and she seemed almost mad.

"Baby it is serious, you were upset and its cause of me." I quickly realized she was mad at herself.

I felt like crying cause I could tell she was upset with herself.

Demi brought her hands up and wiped at my face. I didn't understand right away but I slowly realized I was crying a little.

I laid my head back on her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her neck.

She held onto me and swiveled her chair from side to side, attempting to make me less upset. Surprisingly it worked, only I felt a little dizzy from going back and forth.

I let out a whined and got up from Demi's lap, I stretched and promptly sat pn her desk. There was nothing on it so I really had nothing to worry about.

Demi pulled her chair forward and rested her hands on my sides.

I ran my fingers through her hair and took a little and made a tiny braid.

Demi chuckled and smiled at me.

Suddenly the phone on her desk rang, I let out a tiny yelp and practically pissed myself. Demi looked like she just about had a heart attack.

I laid back on the desk to calm down while she answered the phone.

"Hello, Mistress Lovato speaking." I bit my lip as she spoke because she sounded so...professional.

She rested her hand on my thigh and just kept it there, not moving or anything, just resting it.

I heard just mumbles from the other end as Demi listened.

"Yes...I understand. I will keep that in mind. Thank you for informing me." A few more mumbles and the call ends.

She put the phone down and turned to me, her face had basically no expression but it seemed weird.

"Sooo....that was the police...they found the instructors. Scary part is that they were feet away from this building." I sat up instantly and felt my body shaking.

Demi quickly slid me off the desk and into her arms. I pushed myself farther into her arms, as if she was gonna hide me.

After a few minutes I felt myself stop shaking, I looked up and saw Demi already looking down at me.

She gave me a tiny kiss on the lips which made me giggle.

She continued to do silly things, she poked my nose for a while, every time she did it she made sure to say "beep".

At another point she would randomly run her fingers along my sides, knowing that I was most likely ticklish.

I let out little yelps and grabbed her hands each time.

"No tickles." Demi smiled and leaned down, giving me a kiss.

"How aboutttttt......yes tickles!" she tickled me again which resulted in me leaning back and struggling to get off her lap.

When I successfully got off her lap I sat under her desk.

Demi moved her chair back and smiled at me.

"You just gonna sit under there?" I nodded and turned around so my back was leaning on one of the sides of the desk.

"You have papers and things, I wont bother you." Demi chuckled and stood up, walking around the desk and back over, she held out two blankets and a small pillow.

I looked at her in pure confusion.

"Why do you have blankets and a pillow?" Demi chuckled as I laid the pillow down.

"I have them because there was a time where I just could not for the life of me get enough sleep. So I started sleeping in here when ever I got the chance." I nodded and laid out the first blanket, Demi grabbed my bag and handed it to me.

I smiled and took out my phone, I put the bag under the pillow and laid down.

Demi watched for a few minutes as I played on my phone, eventually she started to work and sign papers.

I played on my phone for what felt like hours, I felt myself getting tired and I knew I was about to just fall asleep.

I turned my phone off and put it back in my bag. I pulled the blanket that was on top of me tightly against my body.

I laid on my side, facing out of Demi's desk and closed my eyes.

I felt myself getting sleepier and sleepier as time went on.

I eventually just closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I felt myself being shaken which scared me to say the least.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw that I was no longer on the floor, I was now cradled in Demi's arms.

I let out a whine and looked up, Demi was smiling and chuckled when I looked around all confused like.

"Hi my little sleepy head." I whined and hid my face in her shirt. Demi laughed lightly and pulled me into a sitting position.

"I ordered lunch for us. I made sure to get pizza since I know you love it. It's half cheese, half pepperoni." I nodded and stretched a little.

Demi pulled my legs towards my chest and cradled me like a baby.

"I had finished my work early and asked you to come up and sit on my lap, you didn't respond and when I looked under my heart nearly exploded, you looked so cute." I whined again and hid my face.

There was a knock on the door which made Demi stand up, she placed me in her chair which was beyond comfy.

Demi unlocked the door, the guy who delivers pizza was there, two full boxes in hand.

My stomach growled and I felt myself being more hungry than before.

Demi thanked him and handed him the money, she smiled and took the boxes and turned as he left.

She brought the boxes over nd went back and locked the door.

I was still sat in her chair, the blanket wrapped around my body.

Demi came back over and stood next to her chair, she looked down at me and smiled.

"Time to eat some good ole pizza."

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