chapter 61

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"Come on, go lay down. Ill be there in a second, I wanna see if my lawyer texted me or not.", I hummed, going in the bedroom and flopping on the bed.

It felt nice to be surrounded by blankets and pillows.

It felt warm and very inviting and I could feel myself drifting off right away. I fought myself, keeping my eyes open so I could have Demi come a basically put me to bed.

I turned myself around, getting my body so I was laying on my back. I took off my shoes and socks, pulling off my pants and pulling the covers over my body.

I was quick to grab the pillows and stuff them around my sides, making it so I was in a little nest.

It felt even warmer, my eyes started to droop even more.

I sighed, sitting up and letting myself get cold again, I couldn't hear Demi in the other room which worried me a bit. I know she said she had to check for a message but it really shouldn't take that long.

My brain quickly went through like eight different ideas of what was taking her so long.

All of them seemed to end with me heartbroken.

I waited for another minute, Demi still wasn't making noise.

I got up, curiosity getting the better of me.

I tip toed over to the door, pushing it a bit more and looking into the hall. I couldn't see Demi nor hear her.

My eyes started to tear up a little, some panic coming over me.

I knew nothing happened nor was gonna happen but my brain still overreacted.

I walked into the hall and looked around the corner, Demi was in the kitchen grabbing my water bottle from the fridge.

She turned arpund when she heard me, I could see her get worried when she saw my face.

"Hey why are you crying?", I whined and bowed my head, just wanting to go to bed at this point.

Demi put the water bottle down and wrapped her arms around me, quickly picking me up and turning towards the counter.

"Can you grab the water bottle for me please?", I sniffled, nodding my head and grabbing the bottle and putting it to my chest.

Demi carried me back to her room, gently placing me on the bed and taking the water bottle from me.

She put it on the nightstand and laid next to me, pulling me into her chest and rubbing my back in an attempt to calm me down. "What happened baby?", I whined and rubbed my face into the pillow.

"I got worried cause you were taking a long time."

Demi nodded, holding me close amd ever so gently rocking me from side to side. It was calming and in a way relaxing.

"Just go to sleep, you're gonna crash anyways.", I let out a whimper but nodded, leaning my head on the pillow instead of her. I closed my eyes and could feel myself falling asleep fast.

Demi pulled me closer, grabbing the covers as well and pulling them under my chin.

As I laid under the comforter I felt myself sweat and sweat a lot.

I whined and kicked the comforter off, sprawling out on the bed.

Demi sat up and put her hand on my head.

"You hot?", I nodded and laid my head to the side.

Demi got up, flipping a switch on the wall. The ceiling fan started up and in minutes I wasn't sweating as much.

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