chapter 18

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The second we walked out of the building for my dorm we were surrounded by officers.

It scared me as they came around and stopped us.

"Hello Ma'am" the officers stopped and talked to Demi, asking her a bulk of the questions. I stuck myself against Demi and held onto her.

She ran her thumb over my hand and tried to keep me calm while still answering questions.

When they concluded their talk Demi smiled and thanked them.

We started back towards her dorm, I was on edge the entire time. Demi must have sensed it because she started to hurry her pace. Once inside she slowed down and gently led me to her dorm.

We got to her floor and she opened the door. We walked inside and Demi threw her stuff on the counter in her tiny kitchen. She came over and gently took my stuff.

She put it next to the counter and came over. She wrapped her arms around my waist and held my body against hers.

"I hope this thing of staying here isn't a problem for you." I shook my head and rested it on her shoulder.

"It's actually pretty nice. I got you and I have less to worry about."Demi chuckled and led me to the little 'living room' area.

She sat down and pulled me onto her lap. She held me close and rubbed my back.

"You wanna eat something or take a nap?" I thought and almost choose eating.

"Sleep." Demi chuckled and nodded standing up and carrying me to her room. She placed me on the bed and pulled the covers over my body.

"I'll wake you up once I've made food." I nodded and snuggled into her bed.

As strange as it sounds, I could smell her on the bed. That alone made me feel happy and safe.

I heard the door close and footsteps leading away from the room.

I sighed and cuddled up into the bed.

Once I fell asleep I felt at slight peace.


"Come on baby, wake up." I whined and curled up, pulling the covers over my head.

I heard a chuckle and then i felt myself being sat up.

I opened my eyes and saw Demi smiling at me. I felt myself blushing and hid my face in her chest.

She laughed and held me tightly.

"Come on, I made us food. After you eat and take a quick shower you can go back to sleep." I whined and shook my head. I wanted to sleep now.

I heard Demi sigh and sit up a little more straight.

"Baby I'll say it again before I start getting frustrated. Lets go eat." I huffed and shook my head again.

"Nooo." I whined and just flopped in her arms. I looked up and saw that she didn't seem to impressed with my current attitude.

She got close to my ear and very quietly whispered.

"Listen to me Ry. I do not under any circumstances take whineyness from anyone. You are no exception. So please get up and lets go eat." I shivered and curled up.

I nodded and sat up, Demi smiled and pecked my cheek.

"Good girl." she helped me up and then got up herself. She led me into the little kitchen and brought me over to the table. Food was set out and was surprisingly still hot.

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