chapter 29

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"I regret every choice I've made that has led me to this." I curled up in Demi's arms as she placed me on her lap.

"Did you learn your lesson though?" I nodded and held onto her tighter.

She chuckled a little and kissed my head. She rubbed my thigh and helped me stand up.

"Bend over" I looked behind me, wide eyed. Why was I getting spanked again?

Demi saw me panic and quick changed her instructions.

"Sorry baby, I meant to say bend over so I can get some lotion to help you." I let out a huge sigh and nodded.

I slowly bent over the side of her desk, letting out a hiss when I moved too fast.

Demi walked over to the book shelf on the right side of her desk, she moved a stack of books to the side and pulled and bottle of lotion out from behind them.

She came back over and uncapped the bottle, putting some of the lotion on her hands.

After a few seconds I felt her hands on my butt.

I whimpered when she put a little pressure on me, the cold made me shiver as well.

I heard her giggle as I wiggled against her hands.

"Come on, you just got spanked to the point of regretting everything, yet now you're wiggling against me." I whined and let my head fall against her desk.

She finished rubbing the lotion in and put the cap back on the bottle. She helped me stand up straight and gave me a kiss.

"Thank you for not arguing about your punishment." I nodded and slowly pulled up my underwear and shorts.

Demi grabbed the lotion and brought it back over to the book case, putting it back behind the books. As she came back over I held out my arms. She smiled and hugged me, picking me up and holding me against her.

I yelped a little when she put pressure on my butt. She quickly shifted her hands so she was holding onto me by my thighs.

"You wanna stay here for a little bit or go back to my room?" I sighed and laid my head on her shoulder, not really caring where we were gonna go.

Demi noticed I wasn't gonna choose and spoke up.

"We'll go to my room and you and me can just snuggle and rest for a while, I'll order food and we can watch YouTube. But you gotta remember you have classes tomorrow." I pulled my head up and gave her a pout.

She chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"You'll be fine." I whined in protest, not wanting to be away from her.

"Buuutttt I wanna stay with youuu!" I threw on a pout and tried to make myself tear up a little. Demi wasn't having any of it.

"I know you wanna stay with me but you can't just skip lessons and expect to pass. Plus, you know I can't make exceptions, even if you are my good girl." I nodded but still felt a bit sad.

"Come on, lets go to my room and just chill." she placed me down and made sure I wasn't gonna collapse.

Once she knew I had my balance she picked up her purse and handed me my new binder.

I put it under my arm and waited for Demi, she unlocked the door and we stepped out, she turned back around and locked it again.

Once it was locked we made our way down the hall and down the stairs.

Let's just say that after getting spanked, walking down the stairs wasn't the most fun experience.

Once at the ground floor we walked out. Demi placed her hand on my back and led me to her room, which at this point I knew like the back of my hand.

Demi decided to use the elevator to get to her floor. We got in the elevator and she pressed the button, she came closer to me and gave me a kiss. I smiled and giggled when she pulled back.

Right as she pulled away the elevator doors opened. We stepped out and walked to the end of the hall. As we walked around the corner we saw the instructor from earlier in the day, she was standing outside Demi's door and was tapping her foot impatiently.

Demi stopped me and held onto my shirt, holding me away from the instructor. When the instructor saw us she gave a huge evil grin.

"Mistress Lovato! How good it is to see you again today! Also, don't hide your little friend there cause I got some news for her!" I was confused and looked at Demi, she shrugged but at the same time rolled her eyes.

The instructor got a little closer and gave me a huge fake smile.

"You young lady have a lawsuit on yourself." my mouth hung open and I whipped around to see Demi with the same expression.

No one said anything for a little while but you could feel the tension.

Demi quickly recovered and gently pulled me back, an angry expression plastered on her face.

"Excuse me?!You filed a lawsuit against her?!" the instructor nodded with the most proud grin on her face.

I on the other hand had the most horrified expression on my face.

I was in shock and was about to burst into tears.

I could go to fucking jail. I zoned out and my thoughts ran wild. Demi looked pissed but I legit couldn't hear anything around me.

My breathing picked up and I knew I was panicking. Neither Demi nor the instructor turned around as I panicked. I could feel myself panicking but it took me a moment to register that I felt dizzy.

I tried to calm myself and to just take a quick seat on the hallway floor. As I tried stood the feeling of being dizzy got worse, my vision was not god at the moment, everything seemed to be going black but it kept slipping back to normal.

I panicked even more and tried to sit down but due to the dizziness I stumbled back and hit the wall a little.

Demi and the institutor were still arguing, or at least I think they were.

I tried to steady myself to sit but before I could my entire line of vision went black.

I felt my legs grow weak quickly and before I knew it I hit something.

And I hit it hard.

(¯'•._.• ᎳᎾᎳ •._.•'¯)

Hi guys! Just wanted to say what's up as well as show you guys something I made.

This I feel might give you an idea of what Ry is really like.

Hope y'all like it 😊

Hope y'all like it 😊

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