chapter 40

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"Okay, so, what is your sexuality?", I glanced quickly at Demi and then kicked my feet a little.

"Lesbian.", the nurse nodded, writing a check mark down on the chart on the paper.

"Sexually active?", I felt my face heat up.

"Yeah....", Demi let out a tiny and quiet chuckle.

"Mental health conditions?", I scrunched up my face.

"Anxiety...depression...that's basically it.", The nurse nodded and wrote it down. I felt Demi's hand on my back.

I looked over and saw her smile a bit.

She gently rubbed my back and kept scratching me every few minutes.

"Okay, well, I technically have enough info. I think the physical part can be underway.", My heart started to race a little.

Only Demi's seen me without clothes, someone else seemed terrifying.

I looked back at Demi and saw her thinking.

She stood up and rubbed my shoulder.

Was she really about to leave me by myself for this shit?

Demi walked over and pulled the nurse back to the door. She whispered something to her, the nurse nodded and they both glanced at me.

I crossed my ankles and stared at my shoes, l like normal.

Demi and the nurse came back over, Demi stood in front of me and tilted my head up.

"You're gonna be fine baby. I promise.", I nodded and held my ankles in place.

The nurse walked over to a set of cabinets. She crouched down and pulled out a bunch of items. Demi kept turning my head away from the nurse so I wouldn't see what was getting brought out.

The nurse walked over and placed a container on the little table near us. In the container was a bunch of stuff. I saw condoms which made my face get red.

"So basically you have to strip, straight down to just being bare. Sit back and Mistress Lovato will do th-", Demi turned quickly with a smile on her face.

"Actually, I have an idea.", I stared for a minutes but kept quiet. Whatever Demi was planing better be good.

"How many sets of these tests do you have? Equipment wise.", the nurse turned around and opened the cabinet, she took out another container and showed Demi.

Demi smiled and turned to me.

"What kind of results are needed from this test?", the nurse gave Demi a weary look but grabbed the clip board and showed her. Demi moved and whispered something to the nurse.

The nurse chuckled and nodded.

"No problem Mistress Lovato. Go right ahead. I'll give you solid color cover so no one can see in the container.", Demi smiled and nodded.

She turned to me and came over, kissing my head.

"We're gonna do this testing in my office.", My eyes went wide as she smirked.

The nurse put a cover over the container and chuckled while handing it to Demi.

"Thank you so much.", the nurse nodded and handed Demi the sheet with my info on it.

Demi smiled and gave me a quick kiss.

"Once I leave, wait for a two minutes, go grab our lunch and meet me in my office. Got it?", I nodded and slid off the table.

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