chapter 7

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"Son of a bitch!" I yanked my hand back once the water touched it.

Scalding hot water, not my favorite kind of shower.

I grunted and turned it down. This time I got only cold water. I now see there is no in between. I sighed and turned it a little bit before hot.

Now it was perfect.

I got undressed and got in the shower, my whole body relaxed and I closed my eyes.

I washed myself and my hair and then just sat.

I had no reason to sit other than I just wanted to. I looked down and got bored, I flicked the water near me.

"What the fuck am I even doing?" I stood up and got water in my eyes, not fun. I turned off the water and stepped out, grabbing a towel and wrapping myself in it.

I wrapped the towel around myself pretty tight and walked out and into my room. I went through my clothes and found my shorts and tank top.

I put those on and then tossed my towel into the hamper in the bathroom.

I turned off the light in both the bathroom and bed room. I walked over and flopped into the bed, sighing when my head hit the pillow.

It seemed like only seconds before I was out like a light.



"Whooo the fuckkkk texted meee?" I whined and rolled onto my stomach, pushing my face into the pillows.

My phone dinged again and vibrated this time.

"UGH!" I got up and got tangled in the sheets. I didn't care though, I stood up, sheets and all around my legs.

I turned my phone over and saw that I had gotten two texts from Demi and one missed call.

I opened the messages and saw that she was angry.

'Good morning Ry, I just wanted to give you your morning hello's and remind you to drink water, eat lunch and go to class. Your class time is the same as yesterdays, 10 o'clock. ' I sighed and stretched. I moved back and sat in the chair behind me.

The second message was the angry one.

'RY! GET UP NOW! Your instructor called me and told me are not in class, you better have a good explanation for it. You better respond as well cause if you don't respond in three minutes you are in deep shit.' I squinted my eyes.

I pulled down the menu on my phone.

10:45 AM.


I stood up and went to grab clothes. Right as I moved my right foot my door handle jiggled.

Oh no.

It jiggled again but then I heard keys jingle instead. Suddenly the door opened to reveal and very sweaty and angry Demi.

She shut the door and threw her stuff on the table. She walked over to me, I backed up until I hit the wall behind me.

She sorta towered over me which was a bit scary.

"Why in gods name were you not in class?" I looked down and got shy.

"I woke up late. I didn't try to it just happened." she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"What time did you go to sleep? Because I must have forgotten to tell you that you go to sleep at a certain time." I shrunk farther back if it was even possible.

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