chapter 74

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I whimpered, rubbing my face with the covers. Peaking out and looking around the room.

It was dark, the only light coming from the door. It was cracked open just a enough for light to leak through.

I slid out of bed and stood up, gasping when my feet hit the floor.

I sat back and grabbed my socks, pulling them on. I grabbed the blanket from the end of the bed and wrapped it around myself. Walking out of the room, the light making my face scrunch up.

I walked down the hallway and peaked my head into the living room. Demi was sitting with her laptop on her lap, typing away at some document.

I walked around the couch, making her look up at me.

She chuckled, clicking something on the screen and then closing the laptop. She placed it on the table in front of the couch.

She opened her arms, smiling at me as I straddled her lap.

She wrapped her arms around me as I laid my head on her shoulder.

"How'd you sleep?", I grunted and snuggled into her arms, feeling cold as I sat.

She rubbed my back, pulling me closer into her embrace.

As she pulled me I shivered, looking down I saw that she still had still had a bulge.

I whimpered, gently pushing my hips down onto her.

"Cold still?", I nodded, I couldn't tell if she knew what I was doing.

She pushed her hands under the blanket, rubbing her hands up and down my back.

I pulled the blanket around my shoulders even more. Sighing and pushing my face into her shoulder.

She slipped her hands down and played with my ass, pinching me as she moved along.

I reached down, pulling at the waistband of her leggings.

She chuckled and lifted her hips a little, wiggling and pulling the leggings down. She still had the strapon on, it created an outline in her underwear.

I whined, pressing myself down against it.

"Pl-ease...", Demi chuckled, pulling her underwear to the side and letting the strapon come out.

I whined and gently grabbed it, pulling it towards me and rubbing against it myself.

I let out a quiet moan, gasping as I slid it into me.

Demi be chuckled and pulled me closer, kissing my head and holding me against her body.

"Just sit baby, no need to ride me. Just sit and keep it nice and warm.", I nodded and sighed, laying my head against her shoulder.

"Just relax baby, let me do the work.", She pushed her hands up and grabbed my breasts, gently pinching me.

I whined and shook against her, pulling her hands closer to me.

She wrapped her arms around my back, holding me right against herself.

"Demiii!", She smiled and let go of me, grabbing my ass and pulling me up, she slowly lowered me and smirked as I gasped.

"You're such a good girl baby, just let me take care of you.", I whimpered, holding onto her shoulders as she repeated the same motion.

I held myself in place, leaning against her chest.

"Please just lay me down and fuck me. Pleaseeeee!", I grabbed her hands and held it against me, trying to turn and lay myself down.

Demi held me and slowly turned to the side, laying me down on the couch.

I whined and pushed my hips against her, gasping as she pushed into me fast.

She looked down and smirked, running her hand down me and wiping her finger against me.

"Such a messy girl, so so messy."


"You wanna take a shower or a relax in a bath?", I looked up and held onto her arm.

"Um...relax.", she nodded and sat me up, getting up and going to the bathroom.

I got up, the blanket still draped over my shoulders. I ran after her, my feet making a tiny bit of noise as I ran.

She stopped and smiled, waiting for me. I got next to her and held onto her arm, grabbing the blanket as it started to fall down.

She chuckled and pulled her arm away, turning around and picking me up. I yelped and wrapped my arms around her shoulders, hiding my face against her.

She opened the bathroom door, turning the light on and placing me on the edge of the counter.

I pulled the blanket under me and brought my legs up.

Demi turned the water on and waited for it to get warm.

"Is this alright?", I slid off the counter and walked over putting my hand under the stream of water.

I nodded and moved back, waiting for her to tell me what to do.

She quickly got undressed, taking the harness off and placing it on the counter.

"Come on baby.", She took the blanket from me and folded it, putting it on the rack next to the door.

I stood next to the tub, waiting for her to get in.

She motioned for me to get in, moving me closer to the tub.

I slowly got in, letting the water settle around me.

"You want bubbles?", I looked up, nodding fast.

Demi smiled, shaking her hand in my hair.

She opened the bottom cabinets and pulled out a bottle of bath bubbles. She handed me the bottle and got in behind me.

I stared at the bottle and then at the water.

I looked back at Demi and saw her scrunch up her face.

"How about I take this so you don't use it all.", She opened the bottle and squirted a little of it in the water. She shook her hand in the water.

I grabbed a handful of the bubbles and squashed them between my hands.

Demi chuckled and put the bottle on the floor.

She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me back, leaning me against her body.

"After can we have icecream or something?", Demi chuckled and rested her chin on my shoulder.

"I don't see why not", I smiled a little and sighed, relaxing in her arms.

I rubbed my face against her shoulder, grabbing her hands ands and pressing them against my arms.

I grabbed another handful of bubbles and pressed them between my hands.

Demi laughed, pulling me on top of her thighs and kissing my shoulder.

"I just wanna tell you something baby. I know you're gonna be against it and deny it but...I think you're little right now."

I turned my head a little and stared for a moment.

She didn't say anything, just waited for me to respond.

I huffed and laid back against her chest, mumbling as I did.

"M' not little."

(Y'all wanted Ry to have a little side so here is just the beginning of it.)

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