chapter 24

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Demi led me off campus and into the parking garage that was a few hundred feet from the campus itself.

We walked up a set of stairs and into the second level.

Demi took out her keys as we got towards the end. She pressed the button to unlock her car, the sound of the little beep went off and her lights flashed.

I was kinda shocked when I saw her car.

I was new...and it was nice.

It was a blue Honda Civic, and it was still clean as shit. Demi chuckled as she led me over. I went to open the door but she beat me to it.

She quickly opened it and motioned for me to get it. I smiled and got in, she slowly closed the door, making sure my foot was not in the way.

She went to the drivers side and got in, putting the key in and starting the car.

She turned towards me as she was putting her seat belt on.

"I ain't driving til you put yours on as well." I nodded and quickly pulled it over and clicked it in.

She smiled and started to back out, making sure to avoid the parked cars.

She drove out of the parking garage and turned into the street.

"So I was thinking just the mall, seems easy, lots of different stores." I looked over and hummed an 'okay' as she drove.

I looked out the window as she drove, watching people walk their dogs and other people drive on motorcycles.

Every time a motorcycle went by I watched it intently.

Eventually we pulled off the road and into a parking lot. I looked up and saw that we were at a pretty big mall.

Demi found a place to park and shut off the car.

She got out as I was trying to get the seat belt off.

She came around to my side and opened the door, I was still struggling and it was evident.

She chuckled and unbuckled it. She stood back up and waited for me. My face heated up and I felt quite dumb.

I got up and stood to the side, Demi closed the door and locked it, turning on her heel and taking my hand in hers.

We walk to the doors and went in, a big breeze of cold air hit us. We both shivered and kinda huddled together.

"Where to first?" I turned to Demi, kinda shocked she'd be asking me.

I hadn't really ever been to a mall so I just shrug.

Demi looks at me for a moment before taking my hand in hers and leading me around. We got to the center of the mall and boy was it busy.

There were mothers and babies and teenagers and just so many people.

Demi noticed I was a bit unnerved by all the commotion. She led me into a small store and brought me to get some new t-shirts.

Out of all the ones she held up, which was about twenty, I only like two of them. I wasn't trying to be picky, the other ones just had weird things on them.

Demi sighed and put the shirts down, she pulled me into her arms and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"You know when I took my money and credit cards my plan was to get you a lot." I shook my head and stood up.

"I don't want you wasting your money, you worked hard for it." I swear her eyes went red and smoke blew from her ears.

"I am in no way, shape or form wasting it on you. I didn't work hard for it and I can use it as I please, thus I'm using it to get you stuff." I was kinda scared but nodded.

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