chapter 34

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Demi parked her car again in the parking garage for the campus. She turned off the car and opened the back doors.

I got out as well and grabbed my bag and binder. She locked the car doors and waited for me. I walked around the car and stopped in front of her, she smiled and gave me a kiss, turning me around as she pulled away.

"Let's go, I'm gonna bring you to class before it starts. I'll be staying in the back for a while.", I nodded and followed her out of the garage. She brought me to the classroom, I opened the door and let Demi in first.

She smiled and thanked me. I walked in behind her, the cool morning air going away once the door was closed.

The instructor looked up from her desk, her glasses falling a bit. When she saw Demi she straighten up a little bit. Most likely wanting to impress Demi.

Demi turned to me and motioned with her head for me to go to my seat. I nodded and walked over to my seat, placing my bag on the floor and just waiting. I watched as Demi walked down to the instructor, no smile on her face.

"Good morning Ms. Kinch.", The instructor smiled at Demi, standing up and walking around the desk.

I watched for a moment before anything was said. The instructor looked back and gave me an unhappy look. "Ry it is very wrong to listen to a conversation you are not a part of. Please find work for yourself or put some earbuds i-", Demi held up her hand to the instructor, telling her to be quiet.

I shrunk in my seat and just pulled out my phone.

"Ry it is perfectly fine to listen to the conversation, it does involve you and you have every right to hear what I am saying.", I looked up in shock.

Was she really gonna bring up the instructors behavior towards me?

Demi placed her stuff down and crossed her arms.

"Actually come up here, you shouldn't have to listen from afar." I got up, shuffling towards the from of the room. The tension was thick and very unpleasant.

I stood back a little, scared to get too close and get yelled at.

I could see the anger in the instructors eyes as I stood there. I was gonna be in deep shit later.

"Anyways, it was brought to my attention earlier that Ry had belt marks on her rear end, I wanted to know if you had possibly anything to do with it?", the instructor looked at Demi like she was crazy.

"I'm sorry Mistress Lovato, but are painting me to be the reason for her marks?", Demi sighed and rolled her eyes.

"It's a simple question Ms. Kinch. Do you have any relations to how they got there?", the instructor shook her head, letting out a scoff as she stood in a defensive manner.

"I'm not painting you to be anything. I wanted to know if you had any clue.", the instructor was silent for a moment but then gave a sick smile.

"Well, I was not part of it, but, I did see her flirting with another student yesterday. It was a male student to be specific.", I looked at the instructor in anger. She was gonna try and get me in trouble for making a friend.

I stood up as tall as I could and crossed my arms. Demi immediately put her arm out to block me from getting any closer.

"Don't try that shit! Me and him were talking in our other class, he was nice and was explaining the course to me. Plus, he's gay, he has a dom as well.", the instructor scoffed and shook her head. Demi turned to me and pulled me to the back of the classroom.

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