chapter 75

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"Come on, sit up.", I whined and flopped onto my side, pushing my face into the pillows.

Demi sighed and grabbed me, sitting me up and grabbing two pillows. She stuffed then by my sides and smiled at me.

"There we go. ", I stared at her for a moment before making myself flop forwards.

"Ryyyyyy!", I sat up a little and saw her flop backwards.

I chuckled and went over beside her, laying down and wrapping my arms around her.

I pushed my face into her side and held her close.

I looked up a little, she moved her head back and looked down at me, smiling at me.

She shook her head and wrapped her arms around me and pulled me up, kissing my head.

I giggled and rubbed my face into her chest, sighing as she ran her fingers through my hair.

I whined and grabbed her hand, wrapping mine around hers.

"What do you want me to do?", She looked down at me with a bit of a confused expression.

"Can you like...just gently pull my hair?", I looked up and gave her puppy eyes, hoping that it would work.

She smiled and twirled a little bit if my hair between her fingers, nodding and then grabbing my hair a little.

She gently pulled my hair, making my head tilt back.

I let out a quiet moan, gripping onto her shirt.

She chuckled, letting go of my hair and pulling me up and into her lap.

I snuggled into her arms and rubbed my face against her chest.

"You still want ice cream?", I nodded and sat up.

I moved back and pulled the covers over my body, sitting and pulling the pillow in front of me.

Demi got up and stretched, smiling and wrapping her arms around my body.

"Come on, get some shoes on and some shorts.", I nodded and scrambled to get up, running and grabbing a pair of shorts and socks. Quickly grabbing underwear as well.

I grabbed a big hoodie and pulled it on, slipping my socks and some sneakers.

I waited for Demi, standing next to the door frame.

She got dressed as well and came over to me, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me along.

"Do you want to get the ice cream and come back here?", I looked up at her and nodded.

"Alright.", She grabbed her keys and purse, leading me out of the dorm.

We got outside, the air still warm as we got out. I sighed and leaned my head against her shoulder, grabbing her hand and holding it.

She looked down and smiled at me, pulling me a little closer, smiling as she did.


"Start eating before it melts, it's gross when it melts.", I looked at her and then down at my ice cream. Smiling as I kept looking between the ice cream and her.

She swatted my thigh and shook her head.

I smiled and giggled, starting to eat the ice cream.

Some of it dripped down my chin. I ignored it completely and ate more.

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