chapter 66

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"Alright, put your stuff in the kitchen, in one of the chairs.", I nodded, taking my bag off and placing it on the first chair. My binder I put on the counter in front of it.

I waited for her to put her stuff down, she placed it on the counter and then turned to me.

She came over and wrapped her arm around my waist, leading me to the couch. I leaned my head against her arm, looking up and smiling. Demi chuckled, kissing my head and then spinning me around.

She pushed me back a little, making me fall backwards onto the couch.

"Alright, let's get started. First thing, commands.", I nodded and stared at her, waiting for her to to give me a command.

"Okay, kneel", I stared for a moment before shifting myself onto my knees. I wobbled a little due to the couch cushions but for the most part I was kneeling.

She smiled and ran her fingers through my hair. She gently tugged a little, pulling my head to the side.

I didn't say anything, just stared at whatever my head was tilted at.

Demi let go of my hair and let me face forward.

"Okay, sit.", I hesitated for a second, what did she mean by sit? There's a thousand ways to sit, which one was she looking for?

"", Demi tilted her head a tiny bit, her face scrunching up a bit.

"Like which kind of way to sit?", I nodded, thank God she understood what I meant.

"Criss cross.", I nodded and quickly sat Criss crossed. She smiled and crouched down little, taking my head in her hands

"I'm proud of you for asking. I could tell you were confused.", I smiled and leaned forward just a little, Demi leaned forward and connected our lips.

She pulled back and stood up, hands on her hips.


I shot up from the couch, standing in front of her. She chuckled a little.

"You are catching on so well."

I giggled a little and fiddled with my fingers.

"Alright, let's see...ah! This one you should be happy to do. Strip." I froze for a second, not really knowing if I should.

I looked at her face and saw her just watching me. I slowly got undressed and placed my clothes behind her on the couch. I only left on my underwear though.

Demi gave a warm smile and kissed cheek.

"Strip means everything baby. Even these.", She hooked her finger in the waist band of my underwear and let it flick back to me.

I blushed, slowly taking my underwear off and placing them on top of my clothes.

Demi moved back a little, smirking and looking me up and down.

"Such a good girl. You listen so well."

She came back closer, putting her hand on my chest and pushing me back onto the couch.

"Alright, so, usually I'd give rules to you, simple ones for you to just one, buuuutttt I'm not gonna.", I tilted my head a little, moving my hands towards hers.

She grabbed my hands and just held them, smiling down at me.

"Why don't I get rules?"

Demi chuckled and sat down next to me, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into her lap.

"I don't believe you need rules. You already behave so well that I think rules would be just stupid. I will say though that I want you to always tell me if something happens and to use your safe word if needed. Also, I know you're gonna go through some little bratty weeks but as long as you dont piss me off it's fine."

I gave a nod and grabbed her hand, pulling it up and pushing my face into it.

Demi laughed, rubbing her thumb against my cheek.

"Ya know, I know I most likely haven't said it but if you were into pet play, you'd definitely be a kitten.", I giggled and hid my face in her shoulder.

Demi chuckled and hugged me, placing kisses along my face and head.

"I think that's another title for you, my little kitten.",I let out a whine, pulling her hand over my face.

"I'm not a kitten I'm tough!", Demi looked at me and smirked.

"Really?", I sat up a little and nodded, crossing my arms and making my face look unbothered.

Demi turned my around in her lap and smiled.

"Alright, you're tough?", I nodded, puffing my chest out just a tiny bit. "Okay, if you're so tough then you won't have a problem pinning me down."

My eyes widened and I started to stutter.

Demi stared, as if taunting me.

"Come on, do it. If you're such a tough girl then you can pin me down."

I debated for a second.

Was she being serious? Should I actually pin her down? Would I get in trouble? I sure as hell don't want to get punished.

Demi snapped her fingers in front of me, getting my attention.

I whimpered a little but felt a small surge of dominance come over me.

I shifted, putting one leg on the side of her, I grabbed her wrists and pushed her back, attempting to pin her down.

She smiled little once she was laying down, it looked like a proud smile which made me feel warm.

"Good job baby! One thing though, the only problem is that your not strong enough."

Within a matter of seconds she flipped me over and was above me.

I whimpered, pushing and trying to get out of her grip. She chuckled, pushing one of her legs between mine.

"Not so tough are you?"

She chuckled and kissed my lips, pressing her leg between mine.

"Be a good girl and start grinding.", I whimpered and tried to push her off of me.

She moved both of my hands and used one hand to hold my wrists.

With her free hand she grabbed my jaw, holding my face inches from her own.

"Like I said, be a good girl and start grinding. This is your treat for doing good training wise.", I pushed my hips up just a little, my body suddenly overcome with exhaustion.

Demi laughed a little, letting go of my wrists and my face.

"Okay, you can nap a little if you wa-"

I quickly pushed her back and straddled her, smirking while looking down at her.

"Look who isn't so tough now."

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