chapter 3

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"I didn't know you could do that!" the boy on the screen exclaimed.

I hadn't been able to fall back asleep after emailing Mistress Lovato. She had yet to get back to me which was pissing me off.

I needed sleep and as long as she didn't respond I didn't get that precious sleep.

I had gone through about ten different Youtube videos, all detailing different things.

Some art, some comedy, gaming, food, the list went on.

My phone was at 23% and it was tanking fast.

I let out a breath and turned my phone off. I got out from under the covers and waltz over to the table and plugged my phone back in, making sure to plug my earbuds in and turn it upside down.

I can't stand the light from the little charging reminder on the top. Or the notifications I get for stupid things. Like games or news.

I turned off the light and went and laid down.

I felt slightly tired but that didn't mean shit.

Tired or not I most likely wasn't about to fall asleep.

I laid on my side and faced rest of the room, my back pressed against the wall from the position the bed was in.

I took another on of the pillows and stuffed it behind me so I didn't whack my back every time I but my back to the wall.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of anything that could lull me to sleep.

Nothing worked.

I whined and thrashed around, getting extra frustrated.

Suddenly my phone vibrated, I hissed and got up, turning it over.

Mistress Lovato texted me?


I opened my phone and read the text.

It simply said 'Hello Ry, I just saw your email and wanted to give you the heads up that it is okay and I forgive you. Another heads up that I personally am on my way to help calm you down, hope that isn't an issue ~ Mistress Lovato'. I grumbled and flopped back onto my bed.

Granted I needed sleep, having someone try and make me sleep most likely wouldn't work.

I laid back on the bed until I heard the sound of soft footsteps coming in the direction of my room.

I stayed laying back and just stared at the door, I could hear the sound of jingling keys as she fumbled to find the one to my door. Once she most likely found it she pushed the key in and turned it, unlocking the door.

Mistress Lovato walked in and chuckled lightly at my state.

Sprawled on the bed, displeased and tired look. Not a pretty sight at all.

She placed her keys on the little table that held my phone, taking off her jacket and placing it on the little chair.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, had a couple of papers to sign." I nodded and just stayed laying down.

Mistress Lovato walked over and sat on the edge of the bed next to me.

"So you're unable to sleep?" I nodded and rubbed my eye. "You stressed?" I shrugged and thought for a second.

"Don't think I have a lot to stress about, or at least nothing that I cant figure out." she nodded and processed the info. "Worried?" I chuckled and shook my head. Whats there to be worried about?

"Do you have insomnia?" I shook my head but held up my finger. "I had it as a young kid like seven or eight but it went away after a couple of months." she nodded and sighed.

"sit up" I looked over hesitantly but complied.

She held out her arms and motioned for me to basically hug her. I slowly leaned over and basically accepted the hug.

She grunted and yanked me onto her lap.

My face turned red and I was sorta speechless.

I looked up a little and saw her smile.

"There is a reason behind my madness, trust me." I hummed and just curled my arms towards my body, not really knowing what to do.

Mistress Lovato rocked me back and forth, on occasion making her knees go up and down and making me bounce a little.

I didn't understand right away what she as doing but I did feel myself starting to fall asleep.

I was surprised as my body started to shut down, my eyes drooping and becoming heavy.

Mistress Lovato chuckled and rocked me couple more times to the point of me being so sleep that I was close to sleep.

She laid me down in the bed and pulled the blankets and comforters up to my head. I felt her put something in my mouth but I was too drowsy to even register what it was.

I closed my eyes and heard her walk away, putting on her jacket and taking her keys.

I could tell through my eyelids, as weird as it may sound, that she had turned the lights off.

I heard the door open and then lock and then it close.

After that it was black.


My body felt sore but yet I felt amazing. I turned and stuffed my face into my pillow, not wanting to deal with the world. I heard my phone vibrate a bunch of times which didn't seem good.

I groaned as I sat up, hair falling in front of my eyes.

I shuffled to the end of the bed and picked up my phone. The time only read 9:30 and I had three texts. All from Mistress Lovato.

I opened them and read them.

The first one simply said 'Good morning Ry. Hope you slept well after I left. I know it was weird to have me do that but I knew it would work. Just wanted to make sure you understood that I wasn't as mean and disrespectful as I first showed to you.' I smiled to myself a little and scrolled to the next message.

The second one said 'You probably remember because I said it a bunch of times but your class is at 10 and I expect you to be there. After words I will meet you outside because I jut want to talk to you and ask you some things. Hope that isn't an issue. If you have any issue with your instructor tell me immediately and I will take care of it.'

The last one was small but striked a small pang of fear in me. It read 'Hello Ry, hopefully you have read m previous messages and understand what I stated. it is 9:23 and I just want to remind you that you have 37 minutes to get ready for your class. Hope you first class goes well. Please remember to show up to said class because I don't want to have to punish your bad behavior.'

I flopped back and debated on what to wear.

Shorts? Jeans? sweats? T-shirt? Long sleeve? tank top? My options were small but still kinda endless.

I decided on shorts and a t-shirt. My shorts being basketball style shorts and my t-shirt being one size to big. The shirt was black and white and had little doodle all over.

I grabbed my backpack as well as a notebook. Though I doubt notes will be taken.

I grabbed the dorm keys and my phone and walked out. Of course going through my morning routine and then leaving.

Hopefully the day will go well.

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