chapter 57

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"Son of a bitch!", I curled up under the covers, trying to avoid as much light as possible.

As I laid I heard shuffling, I poked my head out from under the covers and opened my eyes just a tiny bit. I saw Demi rubbing her knee and trying to grab something from her drawers.

I looked over at the alarm clock she had on the nightstand.


I sighed, not wanting to leave the bed.

I looked back at Demi just as she turned around towards the bed. She squinted a little at me and then smiled.

"Good morning baby.", She sat on the edge of the bed and ran her fingers through my hair. I smiled and pushed my head closer to her lap.

Demi chuckled, shifting on the bed so I could put my head on her lap.

"Did you sleep well?", I shrugged, I slept as well as I could since I was upset.

"Could of slept better I guess. I slept sound at least.", Demi nodded, looking down at me and grinning. I felt my face heat up, a tiny tingle in my stomach as she looked at me.

Demi chuckled as I pushed my face against her, trying to hide as much as possible. She rubbed my back and then pulled me into a sitting position.

"Come on, let's get ready. I texted Lauren and told her to send you all the notes from your classes.", I scrunched up my face and tilted my head.

"Why? Aren't I gonna be in class?", Demi shook her head, pulling me into her lap.

"I don't want people staring at you after yesterday's incident. Also I just want you to be by me.", I hummed and leaned my head on her shoulder.

I groaned as I stood up, Demi put her hand on my back and made sure I stood up. She got up and walked over to the drawers, she grabbed an outfit for me.

It was a light blue hoodie, black sweatpants, some blue socks with Oreos and milk, and some checkered shoes. She smirked a little as she held up a pair of underwear. On the back it said 'squeeze me'.

I quickly put the clothes on, walking over to Demi once I was done

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I quickly put the clothes on, walking over to Demi once I was done.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I let out a tiny giggle and hugged her back. Demi leaned down and kissed my head, moving one of her hands down and giving a quick smack to my butt.

"Come on, lets go to my office.", I nodded and followed her out of the room.

Demi grabbed her stuff and we were out the door in seconds.

As we walked down the hallway a couple instructors walked out of their personal dorms. They turned and looked over at us, smiling at me and Demi.

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