chapter 8

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"Hello Craig, I brought Ry down so you can tell her what she missed so she is not behind the other students." my instructor looked up and seemed displeased.

Demi leaned on the whiteboard and crossed her arms. I stood a few feet away from her and kept quiet.

My instructor paged through some papers and shoved things around on his desk.

"Where the fuck..." he mumbled to himself.

I looked at Demi and swore she had steam coming from her head.

She shook her head and slammed her hand onto his desk.

"Do you not understand that you could simply make a folder for students who were not present? Make your life as well as theirs easier." the instructor cowered a little and didn't speak.

Demi scoffed and opened her phone.

"You Craig are gonna be out of a job if you don't get your shit together." she typed something in and shoved her phone in his face.

He stumbled for his glasses and found them, pushing them over his eyes and reading the screen.

His mouth hung open and he seemed shocked.

Demi smiled and stood up right.

She turned off her phone and turned towards me, she walked next to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"Lunch for you and me, I'm joining you." I nodded and walked with her.

As we neared the door I heard the instructor slap his desk, me and Demi stopped and looked back at him.

He was mad but I still didn't know why.

Demi shook her head and guided me out of the room.

We got outside ad walked towards the dining hall, of course without and hugging or anything.

I started to get curious of what she showed the instructor so I asked.

"What did you show the instructor that got him mad?" Demi looked over and shook her head.

"I don't want to get into but lets just say he lost his job." I looked at her in shock.

"Just because of one incident?" she shook her head and chuckled.

"I've had many students complain about him, saying he's weird ad rude. I now see what all those students were talking about." I nodded and let the silence resume.

We got to the dining hall and got many stares as we entered.

I held the door for Demi and she smiled.

Once inside everyone's attention was on us. I looked down at my sneakers and started to get scared.

Demi noticed and walked a little closer to me.

We got our food, well more like Demi got us food. She guided me to my original table and placed the trays down.

I sat down and stared at my lap. I looked up when she tapped the table.

"Whats wrong honey?" I nodded towards the rest of the dining hall, half of them were staring and the other half were whispering.

"Everyone's looking and I don't like it." I saw her get slightly angry.

She looked at the rest of the dining hall and made a turn around motion. Everyone's eyes went wide and they turned to mind their own business.

I snickered a little a took a bite of my food. She got us both pasta and garlic bread.

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