chapter 14

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I let out a whimper as Demi moved back.

She pushed the chair back a little and got herself out of the harness. I let out a small moan as she wiped off the toy.

She put it back in the drawer and turned towards me.

She bent over and quickly cleaned me up, holding onto my thighs so she wouldn't fall. She kissed up and towards my lips.

When she kissed me I let out a moan.

She pulled back and smirked. "You were such a good girl.", she caressed my face and rubbed her thumb over my cheek.

I closed my eyes and smiled, leaning into her hand.

She chuckled and moved closer, she picked me up and moved the papers off her desk and sat me down.

My pants and underwear were under the desk , the wood from the desk was cold on my ass. I jumped a little when she first placed me down.

Demi made her chair go back down. She pushed it in while sitting and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I hugged her the best I could.

When she pulled back she checked the time. Her phone read 12:45.

I let out a shaky whimper when she picked me up, placing me on her lap.

"Can I go to my dorm and sleep?" Demi laughed and kissed my head. "Did our small session make you tired?" I nodded and let out a yawn. Demi nodded and stood me up, grabbing my underwear and pants.

She held out my underwear and I stepped into them, same with the pants.

Once I was back in my clothes she stood up and grabbed my bag and phone for me. I smiled and took them, slinging my bag over my shoulder and putting my phone in my pocket.

Demi grabbed my hands and pulled me forward, practically smashing her lips onto mine.

I moaned into the kiss which made Demi bite my lip. She pulled my body against hers and held my hips.

When she moved back so we could breathe I could feel my face heating up.

"Thank you for being my good girl today, I might come to your dorm later even if you are asleep." I chuckled and nodded. She kissed me one more time and then spun me around and gave my butt a playful squeeze.

I giggled and walked over to the door, I turned and stuck my tongue out at her. She smiled and started coming after me but I unlocked the door and ran down the hall.

I stood at the end and just smiled. She shook her head and pointed her finger warningly.

"I know where you sleep honey." I laughed and stepped backwards. "And I know where you keep your toys." I turned and ran down the hall and right down the stairs.

I didn't wave or say have a good day to the woman at the front desk, I ran out the building and to my dorm.

Once I got across to my dorm building I stopped running. I took a breath and tried to calm my racing heart.

I groaned loudly and walked inside.

By the time I got to my dorm I was about to just crash and sleep in the hallway. I grabbed my keys and opened the door, shutting it right after I got in. I tossed all my stuff, including my phone, on the table.

I waddled over and just fell onto my bed, I sighed and got under the covers. The warmth of the covers making me smile.

I thought it would take a long time to fall asleep.

Guess I was wrong.


I let out a whimper as someone shook me. I tried to open my eyes but failed.

I heard a giggle and then felt arms pulling me into a sitting position.

I opened my eyes and saw Demi smiling at me.

I curled up and pushed my head into her shoulder. Try to shield any light from my eyes. Demi cooed at me and turned my body so no light got near me.

"Sorry for waking you up baby, I wanted to say good night and to give you a quick kiss. When I walked in and saw you curled up I felt the need to hold you." I whined and cuddled farther into her embrace.

Demi chuckled and grabbed my covers, pulling them around my body.

"You want me to stay a little while or for the night?" I whined, not wanting to speak but to sleep instead.

"...Mmm..stay...sleep..." Demi laid me back and covered me with the covers to the bed.

I barely opened my eyes to see her get up and lock my door. She took off her shoes and clothing and crawled onto the bed.

I whined and held out my arms for her. She chuckled as my eyes drooped and I shifted a little. Once under my covers she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me against her body.

Her body felt warm against mine which made me smile.

I turned and grabbed a hold of her hands, pulling her closer to me in my half asleep state.

"Ok, ok, I got you." she wrapped her arms tightly around my body and tucked the blankets under me.

I slowly started to fall back asleep and before I knew it I was out like a light.


"Come on baby, we both gotta get up and get the day started." I turned onto my stomach and covered my head with my pillow.

I heard a sighed which was followed by the creaking of the bed as Demi got off.

I whined some more and slowly opened my eyes.

"Demiiiiiiiii" I held out my arms and made basic grabby hands. She turned around and looked at me, a smile forming on her face.

She sighed and walked back over, getting on the bed and back under the covers.

"Can we just snuggle for like ten minutes?" I mumbled into her chest as she held my body against her own.

She was silent for a minute but gave an okay hum.

I smiled and snuggled farther into her arms. Enjoying the warmth and hugs from her.

I knew they were to end soon but for now I was to cherish them.

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