chapter 10

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"I told you three times now to stop throwing the ball against my desk. I will not repeat myself again." I huffed and turned away from Demi.

I heard her chair roll across the ground and towards me.

I turned around and was face to face with her legs. She leaned down and held my chin in her hand.

"I do not like your attitude little girl. Don't try me." I looked down and tried to will myself not to cry.

Demi let go of my chin and pushed her chair back and went back to her papers.

I laid down on the ground and just went through my phone. Every once and while Demi would glance down at me and watch me for a minute.

I looked at the time and sat up.

It was already 7.

I scooted toward Demi and tapped her legs, she slowly turned and looked at me.

"It's 7. I gotta go back to my dorm." she looked up and quickly turned on her phone. "Son of a bitch it is." I closed my eyes and made a face.

I stood up and placed the ball on her desk, she grabbed it and put it in her desk drawer. She gathered all her stuff and I did the same.

She placed her stuff on her chair and motioned for me to come over. I put my stuff down and walked over. She cleared a spot on her desk and patted it.

I sat down on the desk and looked up at her. She rested her hands on my thighs and kissed me again. I relaxed when she kissed me which made her smile.

Her kiss became more aggressive but I liked it.

She pulled away and rested her forehead against mine like earlier.

"How about you come back to my living quarters for the night? Technically can't get in trouble cause I own the place." I looked at her in shock.

"Are you sure? Don't you just want to go to bed and sleep?" she nodded and kissed my cheek. "I can still sleep with a person next to me. Wont bother me one bit."

I was scared, maybe she just wanted to go farther than kissing. Then again maybe she just wanted to snuggle.

I nodded which made her smile wide.

"Thank you baby." she pecked my lips and grabbed her stuff.

I got off her desk and grabbed my stuff as well. She took out her keys and opened the door, making sure it was locked when we got into the hall.

We walked down the stairs and out the main door, she locked it behind her and made me follow.

The building she was living in was much bigger than the dorms. She held the door open and let me inside. We went up to her floor and walked down the hallway.

We got to the middle and she opened her door.

Her room was huge. It had a kitchen, bathroom, living room and bed room.

Much bigger than my small dorm.

She closed the door and placed her stuff by the door. I kinda just stood there, not really knowing what to do.

Demi took off her shoes and walked over, she took my stuff and my phone and put them near the little kitchen table.

She came back over and wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed me again.

She giggled as she pulled away. "I love it when your face gets all red and blushy." I whined and bowed my head, she laughed and held my head to her shoulder.

"Come on, clean up and then sleep." I nodded and followed her. I didn't think anything of what she said until I realized the 'clean up' part meant shower.

She walked into the bathroom but I stayed back in the bedroom. I heard her turn the shower on and then say a word but she stopped herself and walked out and towards me.

"Come on baby. Its only a shower, I'm not gonna do anything to you. As of right now only kisses and little squeezes to your butt." I got fidgety and played with the hem of my shorts.

I heard Demi sigh, suddenly she wrapped her arms around my waist and picked me up. I let out a yelp as she carried me into the bathroom. She placed my on the counter and smiled.

"good to know I can do that." I sat there in disbelief at what happened.

She turned and checked on the water, making sure it wasn't hot as hell or cold as ice.

She turned back around and smirked as she started to get undressed. I let out a whimper and hid my face.

I heard her chuckle  and come over.

"Move your hands honey. It's only fair for you to see me, I already saw you." I peeked my eyes through my fingers and just looked at her eyes or the wall.

Demi pulled my hands away and moved back.

She. Looked. Fucking . Amazing.

I held my legs together and just stared for a second, she walked back over and kissed my neck. "Like what you see?" I nodded and just sat.

She pulled me off the counter and got me undressed.

Once she got my clothes off she wrapped her arms around my waist and held me close.

"Come on, before the water gets cold." she led me into the shower and started to wash her hair. I stood against the shower wall and in the corner.

Demi washed her hair and then her body in general. She turned to me and smirked.

She came over and put her arms on both sides of my head. I leaned my head forward and let her kiss me.

I closed my eyes and relaxed my body, I felt her hands leave the sides of my head and go to my waist.

"Such. A. Good. Girl." she spoke between tiny kisses. I giggled and smiled and pulled her closer to me.

"I still gotta get showered up." Demi moved back and motioned for me to do my thing. I shook my head and quickly washed my hair and body.

When I was done I felt Demi grab my butt. I looked back and watched as she gave my butt little pinches.

I rolled my eyes and turned around.

She reached around me and shut off the water, we both stepped out and got towels for ourselves.

Demi wrapped hers tightly around her body and walked into her bed room. I held mine around my body and did the same.

She came out and threw me some underwear and PJ's. I smiled and got everything on. Demi only put on underwear and just kept a bathrobe at the end of her bed.

She took the towel from me and tossed it in the hamper.

I sat on the end of her bed and waited as she turned off every light.

When she came back to her room she turned her light off and came over.

I flopped back and scooted into the bed, Demi giggled and pulled me under the covers with her. She held out her arms for me to snuggle into.

I gladly accepted the snuggle and got right under the covers and right up against her.

"Good night Demi." she pulled me close and kissed my cheek.

"Night baby"

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