chapter 38

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"Good girl.", Demi smiled and picked up my clothes, putting them on the bed so I could get dressed.

"So this ignoring game starts tomorrow, correct?", Demi nodded and came over, putting my shirt over my head.

I pouted and yawned again.

I reached over and pulled my underwear and pants back on.

Demi smiled when I looked up at her, it was like a proud grin.

"Hi.....", Demi chuckled and pulled my face forward, kissing me and making me fall backwards a bit.

When she pulled away I pouted, not wanting the small moment to end.

"Come on, you gotta go back to your dorm. You can nap when you get back there.", I nodded and got off the bed, standing and stretching a little.

"Tomorrow there is going to be an academy meeting in the auditorium. Whole entire academy. You'll miss your first lesson.", I turned and stared for a moment, not knowing what to do with this info.

"Um...okay...I guess.", Demi smiled and came over, giving me one last kiss.

"I wish I could just stay here with you.", Demi hummed and wrapped her arms around my body.

"I wish you could too baby but you can't. We gotta figure out this instructor issue first, then we can be out and open about being together.", I sighed and closed my eyes, laying my head on its side.

"Come on, to your dorm.", I groaned and rolled my eyes, walking away and to where my bags were.

I picked them up, throwing my backpack over my shoulder and my suitcase like bag rolled behind me.

I turned around again as Demi took a few steps towards me.

She pulled me into a hug and didn't say anything.

Suddenly she brought her hand down and gripped my butt. I let out a tiny yelp and swatted her hand away.

She chuckled and kissed my head.

"Sorry, couldn't resist.", I rolled my eyes and giggled.

She let go of me and turned me around, leading me to the door.

"Why do you want me out so bad?", I looked back and stopped walking. I was kinda upset that she was trying to just make me leave.

"I need you to leave so I can get speech for Tomorrow ready. I know what I want to say, just need it written on paper.", I pouted and nodded.

"Okay..", Demi placed her hands on my cheeks and pulled my closer, kissing me and making me relax.

"Come on, onward you go.", I groaned and turned around, Demi held her hand on my lower back and brought me right to the door.

I turned the knob and turned back around, trying to prolong the leaving part.

Demi chuckled and pulled me close again.

"I know you don't want to leave but you have to. We'll still text and call, I promise.", I pouted and whined, hiding my face in her chest.

"No crying or getting upset. You know we are still together, we just need to get this situation with the teachers figured out.", I grunted and just kept still as she held me.

We stood for a few moments, not speaking or anything. It was more like we were enjoying each others presence.

Eventually thought she unwrapped her arms from me. I whined some more and stomped my feet a little. Demi shot me a glare before turning me around.

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