chapter 53

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I took in a huge breath and gently poked Demi's arm.

She looked up right away and gave me a small smile. "What's up baby?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, knowing I was gonna burst into tears at some point.

"I-I...fuck...nevermind, forget it.", I turned my head and rested it on her shoulder, looking behind at the wall. Demi gently let go of me and moved me so she could se my face.

She looked worried and concerened.

"No, baby what's wrong?", I scanned her face for a second and burst into tears. a mixture of sadness and anger overwhelming me. Demi pulled me into her chest and rubbed my back.

"I got you baby, it's okay. I'm here."

My body shook as she held me, I felt stupid for crying. I was upset over nothing really. Then again it was my fault for letting my mind wander.

I clung onto Demi, sobbing as she rubbed my back and tried to calm me down.

"I-I'm sorry!", I started to cough and for a second could not get my breath.

Demi sat me up and gently bounced me on her lap.

She held onto me for a solid fifteen minutes, calming me down and just talking quietly.

She turned me and held me right aganst her body. "What were you trying to tell me?"

I whimpered and wiped at my face. A part of me wanted to tell her but the other part didn't want to make her upset.

"I...after you said that you never had this problem before...I realized that you are having problems because of me. You're stressed out cause of me. I'm causing issues in your life and its n-"

Demi cut me off by pulling me into her chest. She littered my neck with tiny kisses as she held me.

"You are not the problem. Don't you dare say you are! You do not cause me stress, you are not an issue in my life. I wont go any farther with this conversation."

I went to speak but Demi gave me a serious look. I closed my mouth and just leaned against her.

She turned me around so that we were both face to face. She pulled my legs on either side of her lap and pulled me as close as I could go.

She grabbed my chin and tilted my head down so I was looked straight at her. "I want you to remember that I love you. Okay? None of these ideas that you're a problem. You make me happy, you calm me down and you're teaching me something new everyday, you may not know it but it's true. I've learned a lot by being with you."

"I'm sorry", Demi shook her head and pecked my lips. 

"It's okay baby. I love you, just remember that."

I nodded, giving her a smile which she returned.

She stared for a moment, keeping quiet and holding my chin. She moved her hand up towards my face and squished my cheeks.

"Chubby cheeks.", she smiled and kept squishing my cheeks together.

I rolled my eyes and giggled, trying to move her hand from my face. She held on tighter and kept squishing, eventually grabbing one cheek with her other hand and just squishing them relentlessly.

"Leave my cheeks alone." Demi smirked and let go of my face.

She moved her right hand down and gripped my butt. I let out a tiny squeak, hiding my face in her shoulder right away.

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