chapter 50

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"Stop the attitude. Now. I will pull you over my lap and spank you if I need to.", I stared at Demi for moment.

Did I want to test her patience? Yes. Was I scared to? Yes.

I stared at her for another moment before I stuck out my tongue.

I quickly scrambled to get off the bed. She got up and put the food on the night stand.

I giggled and ran across her room, placing myself in the corner so she couldn't grab me.

Demi came over, her hands on her hips.

I giggled and stared up at her. I smiled and tried to make her laugh.

"Stand up now. Be happy I don't want to spank you too much."

I giggled and scooted myself forward so I was sitting at her feet.

Demi stared down at me and crossed her arms. I smiled and poked her knees. "You wanna smile, I know you do.".

Demi stared down at me, her face just blank. My smile faded and I rolled my eyes. I got up and just walked past her and back onto the bed.

Demi turned around and walked over, getting onto the bed and laying next to me.

She wrapped her arm around me and pulled me closer to her. I whined and turned my head a little, wanting to see if she was mad.

"I'm sorry baby. My mind went to Dominate mode for a moment. I did want to smile though. I know you were playing around.", I turned around and faced her.

I pouted and stuck my lip out.

"You're a mixture of boring and hot when you go into dominant mode.", Demi chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"What else do I do that is hot?", I laid my head by her shoulder, looking up at her.

"When you smirk, when you squeeze my butt, when you...fuck me.", Demi chuckled and rubbed my back a little.

She looked at me and gave me the smirk, moving herself so she was over top of my body. She put her hands on either sides of my head.

I whined and crossed my legs, staring up at her.

"What are you doing?",Demi smiled and leaned down, hovering over my neck. I brought my arms up and wrapped them around her neck.

I let out a whimpered as she kissed my neck, it was soft and gentle at first but she quickly bit down a little.

"Demiiiiii!", She looked down and stared for a moment. Leaning down, she kissed me, shutting me up instantly.

I whined and wrapped my legs around her waist, pulling her down to me. She pressed her body up against mine, she pulled away from my lips and smiled at me.

"We aren't going any farther. You're still on your period. We can chill and just kiss and make out, nothing more though.", I let out a grunt and crossed my arms. I let my legs fall from her waist. She took the opportunity to sit on my hips and smile down at me.

I whined some more and pushed my hips up, Demi gave me a look which made me feel a small amount of fear.

"Stop. Listen to what I said.", I huffed and gave a gentle push to Demi.

She grabbed my hands and and hled them to her chest. "behave."

She stared down at me, kind of like she was giving me a warning glare. I whined and tried to get my hands out from her grip. As I pulled my hands back she held on tighter.

"Let goooooooo!", I whined and yanked my hands. Right after I yanked my hands I regretted it instantly.

My wrist made a pop noise and felt like it was on fire.

"Son of a bitch!". I gritted my teeth and sat up, Demi fell backwards onto the bed. Worry was plastered across her face and she looked scared.

"What happened?", I tried to move my wrist but found that it hurt if I moved it.

"Wrist may have popped out of place.", Demi sat up and gently grabbed my arm, she turned my arm and looked at my wrist. It was red and looked a bit swollen.

I sighed and sat up, scooting myself off the bed. Demi got up right after me and grabbed her phone and purse. "I'm bringing you to the nurse.",I went to protest but she placed a finger over my mouth.

I turned and looked at her, glaring a little. She moved her finger and grabbed my upper arm, she turned me around and towards the door.

She grabbed her keys and unlocked the door, leading me out and licking he door behind us.

"What if the nurse tells me to go to the hospital?". Demi glanced at me and shrugged. "Then I'll bring you to the hospital, simple as that.".

I rolled my eyes and walked down the hall. Demi walked beside me, holding onto my uninjured hand.

We got outside of her dorm building and quickly walked down to the medical building. Demi opened the door and held it so I could walk in.

She led me over to the nurse's office and knocked for me. The chair in the office wheeled across the floor and then the door opened.

The nurse looked up and smiled.

"Hello mistress Lovato, Ry. What seems to be the problem?", Demi wrapped her arm around my shoulders and let out a sigh.

"We were hanging out in my dorm and I grabbed her hands. Well, she yanked her hands out if my grip but her wrist popped when she did. We don't know if it broken, sprained or bruised. We came to see you first cause... you're a nurse."

The nurse chuckled and nodded, moving from the door way and letting us in. Demi walked before me and stood next to me.

"Okay, let me see this wrist.", I held out my arm as the nurse wheeled over. She pulled gloves on and gently grabbed my arm.

She turned my arm in many directions and gently pressed her fingers to my wrist.

It hurt a little but I didn't need to scream from pain.

The nurse pressed down a little harder which made me flinch a little.

Demi held my waist and rested her head on my shoulder, kissing my cheek gently.

"Okay, I think you just bruised your wrist a little. Put some ice on it, rest it. Ya know, just don't bother it.", I nodded and let my arm just rest at my side.

Demi smiled and thanked the nurse.

The nurse smiled and nodded, grabbing an ice pack from the little freezer and tossing it to me. I caught it with my good hand and put it on your wrist. A shiver ran down my back but I ignored it.

Demi turned me around and led me out of the nurse's office.

She smiled once we we're in front with the doors shut.

"At least you didn't have to go to hospital."

I nodded sighed.

"Come on, back to my place so snuggle now. I gotta take care of my baby."

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