chapter 86

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"Relax baby, I'm right here.", I left out a grunt and slowly opened my eyes, looking around and seeing Demi holding me.

"Wha' I do?", she smiled and pulled me in her lap, pushing my hair from my eyes.

"I was in the living room looking at something online and heard you make a noise. When I came in you were crying and curled up.", I squinted up at her and rubbed at my eyes, feeling the dried up tears on my face.

"Oh...", she pulled the comforter up and turned me around in her arms so I was laying sideways.

"You can go back to what you were doing, I'm fine now.", Demi shook her head and sighed, kissing my head and gently rubbing my back.

"No its fine baby, I was done anyways. Now I can hold you and keep you safe and calm.", I giggled and laid my head on her chest, smiling as she ran her fingers through my hair.

I looked up as she pulled her fingers out of my hair, shaking her head a little.

"Your hair is getting long, also getting tangled now.", I nodded and pushed a little bit of it out of my face.

"I need to get it cut.", Demi nodded and pulled at it a little.

"Maybe I'll get a buzz cut.", Demi looked down at me and raised her eyebrows.

"A buzz cut?", I nodded and smiled, hiding my face against her.

She ran her fingers through my hair again and tugged at it again. I smiled as my head went back and I was made to look at her.

Demi smirked and chuckled, letting go and wrapping her arms tighter around me.

"What were you looking at online?", I looked up and saw Demi's smirk widen.

"Oh no..." she let out a laughed and kissed my forehead.

"I may or may not have bought a couple things online for us to use... you'll see in a few days.", I stared up at her and bit the inside of my cheek.

"Are they going to cause me pain?", she quickly shook her head and rubbed my back.

I sighed and laid my head against her chest, we were both quiet, only the sound of our breathing could be heard.

"Hey.", I looked up and saw a small smile on Demi's face.

"What?", she pulled me a little closer and gently grabbed my chin, pulling me up and giving me a kiss.

She pulled back and chuckled, pushing my hair from my face.

"You know its honestly really nice to just do this.", I tilted my head and scrunched my face.

"Do what?", she let out a tiny laugh and gently ran her fingers down my back.

"This, just lay here in bed and hold you. Its nice.", I smiled and quickly hid my face as I blushed.

Demi chuckled and kissed my head, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me.

"Do you think we could do something?", I looked up and waited for her to continue.

"I know you were kinda hesitant to wear the skirts, but do you think you could try and wear one for a little bit right now?", I let out a whine and pouted. Demi pouted as well and practically gave me puppy eyes.

" teasing though...its no fair.", she smiled and nodded, pulled my face close and kissing me.

"I promise baby, no teasing, I just wanna see you wearing it.", I nodded and got up, sitting on the edge of the bed. Demi got up and seemed to run over to the bag with the skirts in it.

She pulled out the plain black skirt and smiled at me. I pulled off my pants and waited for her, she quickly walked over and crouched down, pulling the skirt on me. I stood up and she quickly pulled it up, smiling as she looked at me.

"Oh my god baby, you look so pretty!!", she let out a tiny squeak of joy and pulled me into her arms.

I giggled as she held me, rocking me from side to side in her arms. 

"I'm so glad you decided to get some skirts. I know you said not to tease you...", I let out a groan and pressed my head against her chest.

She let out a laugh and quickly let go of me, turning me so that I had my back against her.

"I know, I know, but come on. Just think about it baby, all the access I have now. All I have to do is pin you up against something and just push the skirt up. So much easier than before.", I let out a whimper and leaned my head back against her shoulder.

Demi chuckled and gave a gentle kiss to my neck.

"Seriously baby, all I gotta do is push this up," her hand quickly slid down my body and she pulled the bottom of the skirt up, grabbing it with one hand. "And if you weren't having a not so good week, all I'd need to do is pull your cute little panties to the side and boom, all the access I need."

I let out a whine and grabbed onto her arms, pouting as I stood pressed against her. She laughed and let go of the skirt, letting it fall back down. She pulled her arms away and turned me back around, pulling me back into her arms.

"How about, we go into the living room and you can play your game on your laptop while I look for some more cute things for you?", I nodded and grabbed her hand, letting her lead me out and over to the couch.

I let go of her hand and walked to my bag, grabbing my laptop and bringing it over to the couch. 

I sat down and propped my legs up on the coffee table. Demi walked over and smiled, walking in front of the coffee table and staring at the skirt.

I giggled and quickly crossed my ankles, smiling up at her.

She gave a tiny pout but quickly smiled, walking over and sitting down next to me.

Demi leaned over and pulled me a little closer, chuckling as she grabbed her laptop and opened it.

I smiled and turned a little, leaning against her arm.

I tilted my head back and smiled up at her.

She smiled back and ran her hand along my jaw, pulling my head up a little as she kissed me.

"Go ahead and play your game baby, I'm gonna look for more stuff to buy you.", I nodded and turned back to my laptop.

I quickly booted my laptop up and opened my game up.

My screen went black as it started to load and I caught a glimpse of Demi in the reflection. I smiled to myself and bit my lip.

I got really lucky with her.

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