chapter 6

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"That sounds scary but what do I know." Demi chuckled and laid next to me.

"So why did you choose me as you submissive? Or why do you think I match what you are into?" She sat back in the bed and let me lay my head on her leg.

"Well in my submissive I always look for respect and you gave me respect but stopped when I didn't give it back. That in my eyes is a good quality in character." I nodded and turned a little.

"You also were shy and timid which I think is just plain cute. You were nice and weren't loud and you seemed to need a little guidance." I agreed to the last part case it was beyond right.

"Other than those things you're attractive to me." I blushed and hid my face in the bed.

She chuckled and ran her fingers through my hair.

We stayed like that for a while until she scratched my chin.

I looked up and waited for her to speak. "Ya know since you are my submissive I'm supposed to train you." I nodded and stayed still.

"How about we start training a little now?" she said that seductively which made me get the chills. Her nails raked along my jaw and made me whimper.

She chuckled and sat up and then stood up.

I stayed laying on the bed, she leaned over and grabbed my legs and yanked me forward to the edge of the bed.

I yelped a little but quickly got my bearing. Her face was unmoved with no expression.

"First lesson is to just take my commands." I nodded and just sat normally with my hands folded.

"First off, I want you kneeling." I scrambled slightly to get on my knees, almost falling once during the process.

Demi steadied me and then let go, letting me kneel on my own.

I looked up at her with eager eyes, not sure if I was actually in the correct position.

Her eyes raked up and down my body, lustful almost.

She reached her hands out and took my head in her hands. I got a little scared as her right hand traveled down my throat.

I flinched a little but stopped when she did.

She stared for a second, like she was taking in my reaction and processing it. Making sure it wasn't a bad reaction.

"The second lesson is staying still and quiet. I have a feeling you will do great with this one." I nodded and waited for what she was going to do.

She didn't move for a second but instead leaned down and planted a kiss on my neck.

I bit my lip and closed my eyes, trying to control my breathing before it became erratic.

Demi took notice and put on knee on the bed, leaning back down and kissing around my neck. She was trying to find the specific spot.

She started to get frustrated which made me let out a tiny snicker.

She pulled back and had a smirk on her face.

"was that a snicker I heard?" I shook my head and acted confused. She laughed a little and got closer to my face.

"First off you better not be lying to me, second off you speak when a question is asked, you refer to me as either ma'am or mistress. Got it?" I nodded but corrected myself when she gave me a look.

"Yes mistress." She smiled and nodded, proud that I listened.

"Good girl. Now..did you snicker when I couldn't find your sweet spot?" I looked down and then back up. "Yes mistress. I'm sorry." I whispered the last part but she heard.

She shook her head and sighed dramatically.

She sat beside me and pulled me over, I was confused until she yanked me over her lap.

"Wait hold up." she stopped and let me sit up. I motioned to her lap and made a simple confused motion as well.

"You went against my rule of being quiet, you get punished. If you don't do what I say you get punished." I nodded and got slightly scared.

We only just started this submissive thing, was it the best idea to be punished right away?

"I understand like punishments when I don't do something but I personally think its a little too early for punishments. I'm not trying to get out of it but I just don't feel comfortable with that just so soon." Demi's face softened and she nodded.

She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you for telling me that, this whole submissive and dominate thing would not be able to work with out communication. You are right that it is too early for punishments. Once you feel okay and comfortable for me to do that tell me." I nodded and sat back, ready for the rest of my lessons.

Demi cracked her neck and then stood up, stretching and walking in front of me.

I went back to kneeling and waiting patiently for her commands.

Her face went back to being stone cold and she seemed ready to resume our lessons. Or mini lessons which ever makes more sense.

" I hope this wont be an issue for you but I want to give a tiny lesson on positions." I tilted my head, not understanding what she meant.

"I'm talking play positions and sexual positions. Some of your rewards will be sexual as well as punishment." I nodded and went a little red.

"First I want you to scoot back a little and go on all fours." I did as she said, trying to keep my body balanced on the mattress without face planting.

Demi walked beside me and ran her hand along my back, she stopped midway down my back. I looked at her and saw concern on her face.

"Honey I can feel each little bone in your spine. I don't think that's good." I ran my hand o my back and noticed what she meant. You could feel each vertebra as I moved my hand.

"Whoops I guess. Never noticed till you mentioned it." she shook her head and sighed.

"I have a feeling you are gonna need a special diet or at least half of one." I chuckled and dropped my head down a little.

I looked back again and her face was blank again.

She put her hand on my shoulder blades and pushed down, I let my body fall but kept my ass in the air.

"Good girl." she walked in front of me and checked to see if I was doing anything I wasn't supposed to.

She patted my belly for me to go back up which I did.

"I think that is enough for today. You can sit now." I flopped my body onto the bed and then flipped myself onto my butt.

Demi just chuckled and sat on my left.

"Thank you for behaving and being a good girl." I smiled and made a silly face.

She looked at her watch and saw the time.

"I'm going to go head out and back to my office. I will text you later on and in the morning." I pouted then nodded.

She leaned over and kissed my cheek and then pecked my lips.

She went and gathered her things and turned as she opened the door.

"Bye Ry."

"Bye Mistress" I stuck out my tongue and earned a small chuckle from her. She closed my door and left.

I laid back on my bed and sighed.

Now what do I do?

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