chapter 31

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I could feel my body being shaken as I slept. It bothered me a lot but I didn't make a noise or anything.

After a few minutes I got shaken again, this time I opened my eyes and saw Demi shaking me.

She was dressed in her regular outfit, black skirt, white button up and high heels.

She smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up." I whined and pushed my face into the pillows, pulling the sheets over my head.

"Hey, no. Don't do that. You have classes today, can't fall back asleep." I let out a loud grunt and snuggled into the sheets.

"Trust me, I can stay asleep if I try hard enough." I rolled over so I was facing Demi, I squirmed over and laid my head on her lap. I closed my eyes and smiled, without warning she started to run her fingers through my hair.

Little did she know that can make me fall asleep.

Demi quickly noticed that her playing with my hair was lulling me to sleep because she stopped.

"Nooooooooo...." I frantically reached up for her hand, pulling it back and holding it to my head.

Demi chuckled and used her other hand to move mine, she then sat me up and pulled me into a side hug.

"It's okay baby, it'll only be a few hours. Plus,you get to see me at lunch." I laid my head against her arm and just sighed.

I wanted to stay like that for a while but she slowly stood up and pulled me up as well.

"I don't wanna function! I wanna sleep!" Demi sighed and shook her head, she made me stand as she went to get some of my clothes.

I groaned and flopped backwards, trying to lay on the bed.

Only I missed the bed. By a lot.

I landed on the floor with a huge thump, I sucked in a huge breath and kicked my legs around in the air for a moment, mostly so I wouldn't scream.

I heard Demi could running straight into the room.

"RY!" I sighed and looked up, seeing pure panic on Demi's face.

"I'm fine. I went to flop on the bed and missed, didn't realize I wasn't in front of the bed." Demi sighed and then let out a gasp.

She got up and and kicked her heels off, running into the bathroom.

I heard the sink turn on and then she came back out.

She had a wet wash cloth in her hand.

She came over and knelt beside me, taking the wash cloth and wiping a small portion of my forehead.

"Can I question why you're doing that?" Demi didn't say anything right away, she seemed shocked.

"Baby you hit your head, your bleeding." I narrowed my eyes and brought my hand up, I wiped at my forehead and looked at my hand.

I was bleeding.

I mumbled out a "oh.." and stayed silent.

Demi looked worried and eventually sighed.

"I'm bringing you to the hospital, just to make sure nothing bad really happened." I grumbled and pouted. Going to the hospital was not on my list of favorite things to do.

"I'm fine, no need." Demi glared and stayed quiet.

"Are you dizzy? Any ringing in your ears?" I shook my head to both, my head hurt though.

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