chapter 58

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"You're warm.", Demi chuckled and pulled me closer in her lap, kissing my cheek.

We had been sitting for a while, me just resting in her lap while she did her work.

I shifted a little and wrapped my arm around her torso, laying my head on her side.

I watched her as she wrote down some stuff on the paper, signing her name occasionally. I just happened to glance at her other hand and saw it was balled up, like she was angry or something.

I grabbed a hold of her hand, bringing it to my face and holding it in place. Demi looked down at me and gave a questioning look.

"Why do you have your hand balled up in a fist?"

Demi sighed putting her pen down and pulling me closer.

"I'm just fucking pissed off. The posters and all are what's getting me mad.", I nodded and sat up a little, moving myself so I was straddling her lap.

"You have cameras out in the campus right? Just watch the video feed."

Demi sighed and opened one of the desk drawers, pulling out the laptop and going through to the cameras.

She cycled through them and eventually found the ones from outside. She went back a day and let it play.

I got off her lap and sat myself so I was right on the edge of her chair. She wrapped an arm around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder.

She used her right hand to move the cursor on the laptop, going to the video and clicking play.

We watched as a girl ran with the first poster, propping it up against something and running away. She messed up though when she ran both times. You could see her face.

I looked at Demi's face and saw pure anger.

She paused the video and went into an thing on her laptop.

"Close your eyes for a moment.", I did as I was told, putting my hand over my face for extra measures.

I could hear the keys on her key board clicking away. She had let go of my waist and I was just sitting and leaning against her.

"Alright, you can open your eyes.", I moved my hand and opened my eyes, the screen was back to the footage of the campus grounds.

She went and fast forwarded it, going to this morning.

We watched as yet again the same girl ran, put the poster up and ran away.

Demi let out a grumble and paused the video, going and looking at the live footage.

The campus was currently clear, the occasional bird or squirrel ran along but no people.

Demi sighed, exiting the footage and closing the laptop.

She put it back in the drawer it came from. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

I leaned back against her and rested my hands on her arms.

"I know who it was that made the posters. The kid who did it is fucked."

I nodded, wanting to know if I'd be allowed to see who it was that was making the posters.

We sat for another five minutes before Demi patted the side of my butt, I stood up and stretched, letting her get up as well. Once she was up she grabbed her keys and grabbed a walkie talkie from one of the desk drawers.

Demi glance over at me and motioned with her head to follow.

I walked over and held onto her arm, kinda scared to get separated from her.

She glanced down at me, a smile breaking onto her face as she looked.

She quickly hugged me, kissing my head and holding me.

"I got you baby, I promise."


We walked out of the next classroom and back onto the campus.

Demi huffed and pulled out her phone, glancing at the time and then putting it back hwere she kept it.

"If this kid isn't here I'm getting a security officer to check the dorms."

We walked along, walking into the last classroom that was used. Demi held open the door and I walked past her, letting her go in front of me right away.

Once in front of me, she walked to the front of the room and pulled the instructor aside, whispering something into the guys ear and motioning towards the class.

I looked around the room, it was kinda packed but it still seemed like a small class.

I glanced back at the front of the room, seeing the instructor point to a kid in the back. I looked towards where the guy was pointing, a girl was sat there and had her arms crossed.

I looked back at the front of the room, Demi nodded and stormed to the back, leaning over and whispering something into the girls ear. The girl glanced up and nodded, putting her stuff into her bag and standing up and following Demi.

Demi walked back over to me and grabbed my hand pulling me alongside her and out of the room.

The girl followed behind us, sulking as she walked.

When I looked over my shoulder she looked up and smirked, sticking up the middle finger as she did.

I clenched my jaw and turned back around, staring down at my shoes as we walked.

Demi ran her thumb over the back of my hand, making me look up a little.

Demi glanced at me and gave a small, reassuring smile as we got to the office building.

She opened the door and let go of my hand, I walked in and waited, the girl walking in behind us as well.

Demi glanced at me and rolled her eyes as the girl huffed.

She walked around the girl and crossed her arms, walking up the stairs and waiting for us.

I went to go first but he girl pushed past me and walked ahead of me, letting out a dramatic sigh as Demi stared down at her in shock.

"Can we hurry whatever this is up? I gotta meet with someone soon.", Demi gave a sarcastic smile and nodded.

"Of course we can hurry this up, you are gonna love the news I have for you.", The girl smiled, not catching onto the sarcasm at all.

Demi walked up the stairs, both me and the girl following as we walked.

We eventually got the floor with Demi's office, she unlocked it and opened it, letting the girl go in and sit. I stopped next to Demi and looked up at her.

Demi leaned a little into the office, moving back and closing the door just a little bit.

She leaned down and kissed me, rubbing her hand on my arm when she pulled away.

"She is in for a rude awakening."

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