chapter 46

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"Okay, so I'm not in trouble though right?", Demi coughed a little on her end and moved from the phone.

"You're not in trouble, you forgot, it's whatever.  As long as you respect the instructor she shouldn't give you a hard time about it."

I rolled my eyes and nodded, knowing that I was not gonna get along with the instructor in charge of my dorm building.

"Okay, I'm gonna go now cause you have to get to class. Behave and keep the note on you all day. Love you baby.", I pouted even though she couldn't see me.

"Bye. Love you too.", Demi chuckled and hung up.

The line went quiet and I sighed.

Did I want to go to class? Nope. Was I basically forced to? Yep.

It popped into my mind that I had food in the fridge. I walked over and pulled the door open and saw a big Ziploc bag in the fridge. Inside was some ham and cheese roll up things. I looked in the bag and saw another note in it.

I opened the bag and pulled it out.

"Hello baby. I made you these breakfast roll ups I saw recently. Inside is some egg that I cooked, its rolled in the center, then there is two layers of cheese and then ham. I already pre-cooked them so all that you need to do is put it in the microwave for thirty seconds. It will taste good, I promise. There are enough in the bag to last you about a month and a half. Tell me when you are getting low and I will make more. Eat up!"

I smiled and took one out, putting down the bag and grabbing  a paper towel.

I placed it on the paper towel and put it in the microwave. I cooked it like she said and ten opened it. Steam came out and hit my face, it smelled good though.

I closed the microwave door and hesitantly took a bite, cheese dripped out and onto the counter.

My eyes rolled back and I swear I was on cloud 9.

It tasted beyond amazing.

I took a second and put the roll up down, grabbing the bag and note and putting them back in the fridge.

I walked over and grabbed my bag and phone and note, I put my backpack on and slipped my phone and note into my pocket. I grabbed my breakfast and shoved the rest into my mouth, the cheese was still melty and warm.

I pulled out my phone and checked the time.

I had three minutes to get to class.

I grabbed my keys and unlocked my door, I was about to close it and run before I remembered I never changed my pad or took the medicine.

I grunted and shut my door, running to the bathroom and quickly changing my pad. I yanked the sweatpants back up and grabbed one of the pills that Demi gave me. I tossed it in my mouth and stuck my head under the faucet, drinking straight from the tap.

I turned off the bathroom light and remembered my water bottle. I opened the fridge and saw it full.

I took it and turned, opening the door and locking it.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time again.

Two minutes.

I sprinted down the hall, avoiding hitting door frames and corners. I jumped down a few stairs once at the end of them and then ran some more.

I ran out the front doors of the building and saw that there was literally no one.

I ran down the campus path but had to slow down when an administrator stepped into my path.

"Excuse me. Why are you not in your uniform and why are you not in class?", I whined and fished around in my pocket, trying to find the note.

I pulled it out and showed it to the woman, she took it from me and read it. She glanced back and forth between me and the note. I got more and more fidgety by the second.

"Can I please have it back so I can get to my class? I don't want or need a detention."

The woman glared for a moment before pulling a walkie talkie from her belt.

I sighed and just sat on the pavement.

"Hello Mistress Lovato.I have a student out here on the campus paths. She was running to class and does not have her uniform on. She handed me a note that seems to be forged. Can you come down here and give me a quick hand?". The other end was silent before Demi spoke.

"Yep, I'll be there in a moment.", I let out a whine and laid back on the concrete, so done with everything.

I stared up at the sky and watched the clouds angerly.

Demi was either gonna yell at me or the administrator would.

As I laid the sound of heels made me look up a little.

Demi was walking along the path in front of me, she didn't seem to bothered by being called out to the situation.

"Sorry for bothering you Mistress Lovato, just wanted to make sure she wasn't faking the note.", I laid my head back on the concrete and stared at the sky.

Demi sighed and chuckled.

"It's real, trust me. I can take it from here. I also want to note as well.", the administrator handed it to her and walked away.

I stayed on the ground, not wanting to get up.

Demi came closer and crouched beside me, she smiled and pushed my hair from my face.

"You didn't look at the time until it was too late?", I nodded and pouted, not wanting to be in trouble.

Demi chuckled and stood up, she was wearing a dress today which was odd.

I could see up it as she stood over me.

"Come on. I'll bring you to my office and tomorrow you can just say you were sick.", I sat up a little and stared at her for a moment.

"You know someone's gonna talk about seeing us.", Demi rolled her eyes and held out her hands, grabbing mine and pulling me up.

"No ones gonna talk cause everyone is in class currently. If someone isn't then they'll be in trouble, simple."

I rolled my eyes and walked along with her.

"Did you like the breakfast roll ups I made?", I turned to her and gave her a very dramatic expression.

"I fucking loved them! Oh my god. The cheese was amazing!", Demi laughed and wrapped her arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Well I'm glad you love them, I'll teach you one of these days how to make them, very simple.", I giggled and clapped my hands a little.

We stopped in front of Demi's office building and she chuckled. She let go of my waist and kissed my lips.

"You're too cute baby, I swear."

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