chapter 45

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Demi dragged me to her dorm, walking fast and pulling me along.

She grabbed her keys and unlocked her dorm door, pulling me inside.

I placed my bag on the floor and put my binder near it, when I turned around Demi had taken off her heels and grabbed my waist.

She pulled me close and then lifted me, I wrapped my legs around her waist and held onto her shoulders for support.

I whined and pushed my hips into hers.

Demi chuckled and turned around, pushing me so I was against a wall.

I let out a squeak and wiggled in her arms.

"Put me down for a moment.", Demi looked at me worriedly.

She placed me down, waiting for me to do something.

I felt my face go red as I hurried to the bathroom, closing the door and going to the toilet.

I sat down and looked at my underwear.



I groaned and hit my head on the back of the toilet.

Footsteps approached the door and stopped in front of it.

"Ry, baby. You okay?", I whined and rested my head on my knees.

The the door turned and Demi peaked her head in.

"You okay?", I shook my head and got nervous.

Demi walked farther in and came over, crouching in front of me.

"What happened? Do you feel sick?", I nodded my head and as my eyes got watery.

Demi stared for a moment before taking in a tiny gasp.

"Period?", I nodded and whined again. Demi gave a little pout and stood up.

She walked over to the cabinets under the sink, opening them and rummaging around.

She grabbed two things and turned to me, holding out a pad and a tampon.

"Which one do you use? Or I guess prefer.", I pointed to the pad.

Keeping myself quiet as she closed the cabinets.

She smiled and crouched down again, handing me the pad and quickly kissing my forehead.

"I'll have medicine ready for you in the kitchen. A heating pad as well. If you want some food or a drink just tell me. I'm also gonna give you one of my hoodies and a pair of sweatpants.", I nodded and waited for her to leave.

She smiled again and kissed my head again, turning around and walking into the hallway, closing the door behind her.

I pouted and quickly put the pad in my underwear, wiping myself and standing up.

I pulled my pants up but left the belt undone.

I flushed the toilet and left the bathroom.

Moping to the kitchen. Demi was standing there with a glass of water and an ibuprofen in her hand.

She smiled and handed me the water, putting the ibuprofen in my hand.

I quickly took the pill and drank a bit of the water, pouring the left over water into th eisnk.

I walked over to the couch and flopped down, Demi chuckled and came over, sitting beside me and placing the heating pad on my lower stomach.

She turned it on and pulled my feet over her lap, gently squeezing my thighs.

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