chapter 5

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"I'm thankful for you accepting my offer. I have ground rules though for this, just letting you know."I nodded and opened my phone and went to notes.

She chuckled and shook her head in a playful way.

Her phone chimed and caught us both off guard.

She turned and grabbed it, opening it and most sighing.

"Lunch time for you." I nodded and turned my phone off, putting it in my pocket.

Mistress Lovato got off of her desk and stood next to it instead. I stood up and bent over to grab my backpack. I heard Mistress Lovato take a sharp intake of air.

When I stood back up I chuckled and earned a little glare while she slightly bit her lip.

She walked me over to her door, unlocking it and opening it.

Right before I walked out she grabbed my arm. "First off I want you to try something else other than pizza, second off is it okay if I do something?" I shrugged not really thinking much of what she might do.

She smiled and quickly leaned forward and gave a gentle and tiny kiss to my cheek. My face went red and I looked down at my sneakers.

"You're just so adorable sometimes." she laughed and motioned with her head for me to go, which I did.

I walked down the hall way and down the stairs.

Walking outside and having the bright sun greet me was nice.

I walked over to the dining hall and got my food and went and sat at the same table as last night.

I got pizza just like last night BUTTT I got cheesy sticks as well.

Not nutritional but it was something different like Mistress Lovato said.

I sat down and put my earbuds in, turning on YouTube and watching stupid videos. I ate the pizza and went onto the cheesy sticks. I took one bite and it tasted like heaven.

So cheesy, so bread-y? It was amazing.

I ate the second one and then decided to go back to my dorm. I only had one class and since that was over it made sense to go back and relax.

I took my tray and brought it over to the little return it area. Putting it down and throwing my trash away.

I walked out of the dining hall and made my way to my dorm. The sky seemed to be getting dark and cloudy, most likely rain.

I got back to the building that housed my dorm, walking up the stairs and grabbing my keys.

I went to unlock the door but found it already unlocked. My heart skipped a beat and I felt scared.

I turned the knob and opened it, only to find Mistress Lovato sitting at the little table, waiting for me.

She turned and smiled, getting up and giving me a hug.

I hugged back, it surprisingly made me happy.

It also made me feel a little weak but I didn't understand why.

She let go and sat on the bed, patting the spot next to her.

"I never got to explain my little set of rules." I nodded ad pulled my phone out again.

I opened the notes and got ready to type.

"Okay so basic rules, obey what I say, behave, go to class, eat the proper amount of meals. Those are the basic ones, there's more though." I nodded ad typed the last one in.

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