chapter 70

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"Hey, come on baby, wake up.", I whined, pushing my face into the bed.

The sheets were still warm against my body. The idea of leaving bed wasn't my first option.

Demi let out a sigh and I felt the bed dip, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me up. Holding me against her body, she pulled the sheets off my body. I flopped backwards and tried to pull them back up.

I opened my eyes a little and saw her get up and grab my uniform.

I whined and curled my body up, trying to avoid being dressed.

I peaked out from under the covers and ended up making eye contact with Demi.

She walked back over and placed all my clothes on the bed. She sat down at the end of the bed and pulled the sheets back.

I whined and grasped at the sheets, trying to pull them back. Demi let out a grunt as she pulled the sheets back.

"Stop it baby. You gotta get dressed. I'm doing the work for you by getting you dressed."

I whimpered, reaching forward and trying to pull her down to me.

She grabbed both my hands and clasped them together, placing them down on my chest.

"Ry, I love you so much but you are starting to get on my nerves. Just lay still and let me dress you. Afterwards if you behave I'll hold you and let you truly wake up.", I grumbled and just relaxed my body.

She smiled and started to dress me. She quickly pulled a bra over my head and then put my shirt on me.

I felt cold and embarrassed, having her dress me when I could do it myself.

I whined and tried to sit up, Demi quickly pushed me back down and got me fully dressed.

Once I was dressed I sat up and crawled into Demi's arms.

She held onto me and let me relax.

I laid my chin on her shoulder and turned my head to the side

"I'm sorry for being an ass. Also for you having to dress me."

Demi moved me back and held me out a little. She lifted my chin and gave me a kiss. Running her hands down my body.

"It's perfectly fine baby. No need to apologize, plus, I like dressing you. I get to see your body as long as I want."

I whimpered and pushed my hips against her.

She chuckled and pushed me back, making me stand up. She got up as well and led me into the kitchen. I leaned against the counter as she grabbed a travel mug of coffee.

She placed it next to me and grabbed her purse.

"Grab your stuff. You got classes today.", I rolled my eyes and grabbed my stuff off the floor. When I stood back up Demi was standing in front of me.

She grabbed the collar of my shirt and stared at me.

"Watch your attitude. I saw you roll your eyes. Don't think I won't punish you.", I nodded and walked over to the door, standing next to it and waiting.

Demi walked around for a few minutes, confusion plastered on her face.

She turned to me and held up her hands.

"You gotta wait, I can't find my phone."

I groaned and slid down the door frame.

Demi walked over to me and stood above me, her arms crossed and a pissed off look on her face.

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