chapter 90

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I sat myself on Demi's lap so I was facing her.

She smiled and pulled me closer, wrapping her arms around my waist. I leaned forward and rested my chin on her shoulder.

Her hands slowly roamed down and she grabbed my ass.

I giggled and sat back up, smiling as I pushed my hips down against her. She shook her head and gave me a quick kiss.

"No fooling around baby, you're still on your period.", I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hands, pulling them to my chest.

"My period goes away fast, remember?", Demi tilted her head at me and slightly shook it.

"If I go to the bathroom right now, I promise you my period will be done. Like done done.", Demi chuckled and pulled her hands back and motioned for me to get up.

I quickly stood up and stretched, starting to walk to the bathroom.

Demi spoke over her shoulder as I walked away, "How about this. If your period is done, we can fool around, however, you gotta wear one of the skirts.", I quickly stopped in my tracks as my face heat up.

Demi looked over her shoulder and watched me, waiting for my response.

I mumbled out a quiet "yes mistress" and started to walk again.

I watched Demi quickly shift onto her knees and stare at me as I walked.

"What did you say?", I turned over my shoulder and smiled, sticking out my tongue. 

I quickly closed the bathroom door and did my thing.

I looked down and saw no blood, knowing I was in the clear.

I quickly finished my business and cleaned myself. I toss the pad away and stood up, flushing the toilet and washing my hands.

As I opened the bathroom door I was met with Demi standing in front of the door.

I let out a small scream and moved back.

She laughed and pulled me closer.

I pushed my face into her chest and sighed.

She wrapped her arms around me and pushed her knee between my legs. "You wanna repeat what you said now?", I shook my head and looked up at her.

She stared down at me, both of us silent as we stared at each other.

After a few seconds I watched her eyes shifted down and her hands started to roam. My face got hot and I quickly hid it against her chest.

Demi chuckled and kissed my head, leaning next to my head and placing another kiss on my neck. 

"Why don't we go get that skirt on you now? hmm?", she whispered against me, making me get nervous.

I nodded a little and she quickly picked me up, leading me to the bedroom.

She placed me on the bed and hovered over me, planting kisses along my face and neck.

I let out a shaky moan as she squeezed my thighs. My legs automatically opened and I reached up, pulling her closer to me.

Demi chuckled and pushed me back so I was laying down.

"I got a question baby.", I nodded and reached up, grabbing one of her hands and holding it.

"Do you want to call the shots this time?", my face flushed, and it felt like my brain went fuzzy.

Demi noticed and gently squeezed my hand, giving me a moment to make a decision.

"If you don't feel comfortable doing that, it's fine. You know I won't force you.", I whined and pressed my legs together and then quickly nodded.

"I'll do it but if I get too overwhelmed you gotta take over.", Demi smiled and nodded pulling me up and kissing me.

"Anything for my babygirl.", she let go of me and sat herself on the bed, smiling at me.

I stared at her for a moment, confused.

"OH like I start making decisions now?", Demi laughed and nodded, watching me as I paused.

"", I turned myself around and crawled over the Demi, sitting myself on her legs.

She placed her hands on my hips and stared at me, waiting for me to give her some sort of command.

My mind went blank and I realized I had no idea what I was doing.

I bit my lip and started to take my clothes off, going a little bit slow to tease Demi.

I watched as she scanned my body, smirking as I pulled everything off.

"Where did you put the skirts?", Demi pointed to the top drawer of the dresser. I quickly got up and stood, not knowing what to choose.

I turned around and saw Demi staring at my ass.

"My eyes are up here Mistress.", Demi's face turned red, and she cleared her throat.

"Close your eyes and chose a number, one through four.", she smiled and closed her eyes.

"3", I quickly grabbed the white skirt and pulled it on, glancing over to the mirror.

I did look cute.

I ran over and jumped on the bed. Sitting myself back on her lap.

"You can open your eyes now.", Demi opened her eyes back up and looked down, letting out a moan as she looked at me.

I felt a little surge of confidence and grabbed her hands, placing them on my boobs.

Demi smirked and gave a little squeeze, earning a quiet moan from me.

"Ok, I know what I want you to do right now.", Demi stayed quiet and waiting for me.

"Um...can you like...give me hickeys? Please?", Demi chuckled and nodded.

"Where?", I tilted my head and then thought for a moment.

I mumbled out a "oh" and pointed to both my neck and thighs.

Demi smiled wide and nodded, slowly pushing me so I was on my back. 

She hovered over me and smiled, placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"Do you want me to keep my clothes on?", I quickly shook my head and sat up, pulling her shirt off and undoing her pants.

She slid them off and tossed them on the ground.

She pressed hand against my chest and made me lay back down, going right back over me.

We stared at each other for a moment, just taking the sight of each other in.

I felt my face turn red, Demi smiled and leaned down, pressing her lips against my neck.

I let out gasp.

Demi chuckled and got close to my ear.

"I wanna hear you moan baby, and I'm gonna make sure I leave you shaking for the rest of the night." 

Wooooooo random late-night chapter!
I just wanted to get something out, so sorry if this seems like a filler chapter. My mind was drawing a blank as I was writing.

Anyways, hope y'all enjoy  -Finnley

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