chapter 26

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"I got you baby, relax, breathe." I whimpered as Demi turned me, making me lay in her arms.

"You feel better now? Hmm? Did getting pleasured make you tired?" I whined and nodded, curling up to Demi, making sure I still had the blanket around me.

Demi sat back and propped her feet up on the little coffee table.

I whined and turned a little, pushing my face into her chest.

"I got you baby, go back to sleep." I hummed and got in a semi comfortable position.

Demi slowly rocked me back and forth, trying to lull me to sleep.

It worked really well.

I felt my eyes closing and I felt calm.

"Goodnight baby, love you."


I let out a groan as I started to wake up.

My body ached and I was cold.

I suddenly felt myself being bounced around a little.

I rubbed at my eyes, trying to make out what was going on. Once I could see I was able to identify that it was Demi who was bouncing me around.

She smiled as I groggily sat up.

"There's my sleepy baby." I whined and just rolled my eyes. Demi grabbed my chin and gently turned my face towards hers.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." I whined and crossed my arms, not really looking scary or intimidating.

"What you gonna do? Punish me?" Demi raised her eyebrows and gave me a warning look.

"You gonna spank me? Hmm? Go ahead, jokes on you...I like that." I giggled and curled up again. I thought I won.

I thought.

Without warning, Demi lifted me up and laid me over her lap.

I whined and pushed on the couch, trying to get up but she quickly put an end to my struggling.

She brought her hand down and just spanked me.

I looked back in utter shock.

She actually did it.

She raised her eyebrows again. "Wanna mouth off again?" I glared at her and stuck out my tongue, resulting in another smack to my ass.

Demi leaned over to my face and smiled, " I said, you wanna mouth off again? Or do anything to make me want to punish you?" I whimpered and shook my head.

Demi smiled and lifted me up again, sitting me in her lap.

I held onto her and kept quiet.

Demi chuckled and turned me.

"It's okay baby, your little butt is okay. It's gonna sting for a little but it will go away." I groaned and turned a little.

We sat for while, acting completely oblivious to the time.

Eventually Demi stretched and tapped the side of my butt, I looked down and then at her, she smiled and motioned for me to get up.

I slowly got up, flopping on the couch after I was off of her.

Demi chuckled as she stretched and stood up.

I laid on my back, the blanket wrapped around my body, my left hand covering my chest and gripping the blanket and my right hand covering my lower half.

Demi shook her head a little and walked into the kitchen.

I sat up and knelled on the couch, peering over. Demi was in the tiny kitchen, she opened the fridge and grabbed a big stainless steal water bottle.

It had a galaxy design all over it and had a clip at the top.

She brought it over and handed it to me.

I looked up, confused on why she was giving it to me.

"This is so you drink more water." she turned it around and showed me the back, there were little slots so I could see into the bottle, "these are so you see how much water is left. By the end of each day it should be empty.".

I nodded and held out my hand, she placed it in my hand and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

I opened it and took a sip, I pulled away when I realized it tasted like lemons.

When I looked up I didn't see Demi, I got up and walked over and into her bedroom.

She turned around and smiled, she came close and took the water bottle, placing it on the little nightstand next to the bed.

"Lets take a shower, we have  another day to kill. This paper work." I smiled and did a tiny little happy jump.

Demi laughed and pulled me against her, leading me into the bathroom.

I stood and waited as she turned the water on, her had hovered for a minute but she didn't pull the plug thing.

I was confused but didn't question it.

She turned and faced me, "Since we have time to kill, why don't we just have a nice time and sit in a little bubbled bath?" my eyes lit up and I nodded.

Baths were fun to me, I don't know why but they were.

Demi smiled and walked over to the sink, opened the cabinet door and pulling out a bathbomb.

I made a small happy noise and waited for Demi to give me directions.

She let the tub fill up and then turned to me, a small smirk on her face.

She came over and took the blanket from me, she brought it from my hands and let it slide off my shoulders and onto the floor.

I blushed as she looked my body up and down.

She chuckled and kissed my cheek, leading me to the tub.

She helped me in and quickly discarded her clothing.

I watched as she took her clothes off, my cheeks getting hot, making me look down and into the water.

I suddenly felt the water move, I looked back and up and saw Demi lowering herself in, the bathbomb in her hand.

She got settled in and pulled me closer, her hand resting on my stomach. I smiled and turned, curling up to her.

She smiled and held the bathbomb above me, I watched as she dropped it and it started to fizz.

It was pretty and captured my attention.

Demi wrapped both arms around me and held me close, sighing as we both relaxed.

The water was hot but yet it felt good.

I smiled as Demi lifted my head and gave me a kiss.

I could get used to this.

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