chapter 51

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"At least it's not broken.", I sighed and glanced at Demi, she looked a bit sad since she brought me back from the nurse.

"You're not wrong."

Demi chuckled and came over, wrapping her arms around my waist and placing her chin on my neck. She gave me a tiny kiss on my cheek and moved to my neck, biting down ever so slightly.

I rolled my eyes and brought my okay hand up, putting it on the back of Demi's neck. "What are you doing? You already said no sex, don't work me up.", she chuckled and pulled away, bringing her hands to my hips and turning me around.

"I think it's best for you to go back to your dorm. I'm gonna text your instructors and get your notes for the day. I'll have them email them to you. When you get to your dorm shower, dry yourself and then go grab some food. I'll have some food brought to your dorm after you text me that you're out of the shower."

I nodded and leaned my head against her chest, letting her rub my back and hold me for  moment.

I wanted to stay like that for a while but it wasn't gonna happen. Demi pulled back and smiled,  rubbing my cheek before turning and grabbing my stuff.

I pouted and let my body just flop on the couch. I didn't want to leave at all. I wanted to stay and be around Demi, wasn't gonna happen sadly. Demi turned and looked at me, placing her hands on her hips as she walked over.

She leaned over me and ran her fingers through my hair, I smiled and giggled but my smile turned into a shocked expression when she gripped a fistful my hair and tilted my head back. I whined and tried to wiggle from her grip but she held onto my hair firmly.

She leaned over so she was next to my ear,  talking in a husky tone, "I suggest you behave so I don't have to spank your pretty little ass."

My eyes went wide and I opened my mouth to speak. Only not a word came out.

She raised her eyebrows at me and gave me a gentle smile.

"You gonna behave now? Hmm?", I opened my mouth but a tiny squeak came out. I sighed and just nodded as much as I could. Demi chuckled and leaned over my face, giving my a kiss on my lips.

She pulled back from the kiss and hovered over my lips. "Good girl."

I whimpered as she let go of my hair, I sat up and quickly stood up.

As much as I loved her being rough and dominate, a part of me was scared of her dominate side. It wasn't a trust thing, It's simply that it's just...scary. Was hot as well, but mostly scary.

I walked over to her and let her put my backpack on me. Handing me my phone and binder, she smile. "Thank you for listening baby. I appreciate it." I nodded and held onto my stuff.

Demi chuckled and stood in front of me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders as she hugged me.

"Have a good night baby. Remember, text me when you are done taking a shower."

I nodded and turned around, facing the door. Before I could move Demi spun me around so I was facing her again. I looked up at her and waited for her to speak.

"You forgot something.", I tilted my head and stared, I was genuinely confused.

She smiled and tapped my her lips. I chuckled and stood on my toes, giving her a quick kiss.

When I pulled away she was smirking.

"Thank you baby."

I smiled and turned, Demi walked in front of me and unlocked the door. She opened it and stood against the door.

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