chapter 59

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Demi looked back into her office, grabbing her walkie talkie and quickly pushing a button.

She was practically whispering as she spoke.

"Can I have a security gaurd or two outside my office door in two minutes?" There was just radio static as she waited for a response.

Demi looked annoyed until she glanced down at me.

"I don't want you in there alone with her but I also dont want her alone in there by herself, dont know if she's gonna try anything. Go in there and sit in my chair, don't speak to her or anything. Anything she says will be used against her.", I nodded, quickly getting on my tip toes and kissing her.

I walked around her, going into her office.

The girl looked backward, probably expecting to see Demi.

When she saw me she huffed, rolling her eyes and crossing her legs. I walked around Demi's desk and sat down in her chair, pulling my legs up and leaning back a little.

The girl glared at me, her face basically stuck on resting bitch face.

"How much longer is she gonna take out there?", I kept my mouth shut, fiddling with the bottom of my shoe.

Another sigh left her mouth, this time snapping was followed by it. I looked up and saw her snapping her fingers at me to get my attention.

She rolled her eyes when I looked up.

"Wow, snapping got your attention, what are you a fucking dog or something?", I clenched my jaw, trying to supprese the want to reach across the desk and slap her.

The door closed and Demi walked over, glaring at the girl as she walked over.

I stood up, letting her sit in the seat.

Demi gave a short nod, sitting down and folding her hands.

"Do you know why you're here Jessica?", I glaced over at her.

She made a face, as if she was displeased to be addressed correctly.

I moved over a little, standing a bit behind Demi's chair.

Jessica scowled when she stared at Demi, it wasn't like she was afraid, just seemed like hse was being a bitch.

"Do you wanna give a reason for making the posters?", Jessicas face scrunched up and she got angry.

"What are you talking about? I didn't make any posters!", Demi scoffed and crossed her arms, sitting straight and staring at Jessica in disbelief.

"Don't try that shit with me, this campus has cameras everywhere. Don't you think if I had cameras inside I'd have them outside as well? Can't deny it, I got video proof!", Demi leaned over and grabbed her laptop from the drawer.

I stared at Jessica as she sat there.

She glared at me, quickly giving me the middle finger and then crossing her arms.

Demi sat up and placed her laptop on the desk, she did it rather violently as well.

"Don't think I didn't see that. Giving her the finger isn't going to help your case at all."

Demi opened her laptop, angrily going to the camera footage and finding the file with the video.

She turned the laptop around so Jessica could see it. She scowled and her attitude seemed to diminish. It was almost like she was scared.

I sighed and leaned against the edge of Demi's desk, watching the footage as well.

You could clearly see her face as she ran across campus to place the poster. It was gonna be hard for her to deny this whole thing.

I looked over at Demi, her face showed that she was not happy at all.

She clicked the space bar on her laptop, pausing the video. She sat back and stared at Jessica.

"Anything to say?", Jessica stayed quiet, her face no longer scrunched with an attitude.

She didn't say anything, silence filling the room as we all stayed there.

Without warning, Jessica stood up, pushing her chair back and leaning over the desk. I moved back a little, Demi put her hand in front of. I glanced down, Demi stood up and moved me so I wasn't in harm's way.

Only that didn't work.

In an instant, Jessica ran around the desk and grabbed me, pinning me to the ground and wailing on me.

Everything went by in a blur, all I could feel was my face getting hit over and over.

Then it stopped.

I opened my eyes and saw a security guard pinning Jessica to the ground. She was flailing and resisting as much as she could.

I went to sit up but someone was quick to hold down my shoulders. I looked above my head and saw Demi holding me down.

"Don't get up baby, I'm having the nurse come and make sure you don't need a hospital trip.", I sighed and reached one arm up, placing my hand on Demi's.

She immediately put her hand over mine and ran her thumb over the top of my hand.

I looked forward, still watching Jessica struggle and resist against the security guard.

I heard Demi mutter as she watched the struggle of the security guard.

"Jesus Christ just tase her, make your life easier!"

The guard chuckled and nodded.

"Forgot about that option."

The gaurd reached for his taser and put it to Jessica's side. Before he tased her Demi put her hand over my eyes, shielding me from seeing it.

Right after Demi covered my eyes I heard the sound of the taser, Jessica's scream was followed shortly after.

Demi uncovered my eyes letting me see the aftermath of the taser.

I looked over and saw Jessica laying face down, she quickly put her hands behind her back, she kept telling though which was annoying.

"SHES A FUCKING SLUT! LET ME FUCKING BEAT HER ASS!", Demi sighed, standing up and walking over to the guard.

"Why the fuck are you going after her? What is your fucking problem?"

Jessica growled, trying to shimmy towards me.

"She got my ex fired!", I scrunched my face up, Demi looking at me and doing the same.

Demi crouched down, lookeding down at Jessica.

"What do you mean she got your ex fired?", Jessica turned her head, looking between me and Demi.

"My ex, the second instructor. I dated him for over three years. That slut got him fired!"

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