chapter 25

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"You got to be kidding me. You ran track in high school?" I nodded and looked up at her.

She had originally asked if I was very athletic, when I mentioned track she was blown away.

"So how long did you run track?" I turned my body and laid my head on her chest, letting her run her fingers through my hair.

"I think I ran all throughout high school, maybe not, I can't remember." Demi chuckled and gave me a tiny kiss.

I yawned and gave a tiny stretch, as I stretched, Demi wrapped her arms around my chest and held onto me.

"Its still only the afternoon, you want to nap or just sleep now?" I turned my body and held onto her arms.

"If I sleep now I'll wake up in the middle of the night and be hyper. Do you wanna deal with a hyper version of me?" Demi smiled and actually nodded, kinda caught me off guard.

"Ight then I'mma sleep, night night." I wiggled a little and grabbed the comforter from under us, yanking it over my head.

Demi chuckled and moved under the covers as well, though it was dark under the covers I could make out her face.

She smiled and leaned forward, giving me a kiss and wrapping her arms around my back. She pulled me close and held on, giving me kisses on the cheek.

I slowly felt myself falling asleep. Demi noticed and pulled me closer, pulling the comforter off our heads and just over our bodies.

I fussed around for a moment, the light from the one window bothering me.

"It's okay, shhh" Demi turned my head and pulled the comforter up a little bit so I didn't have light in my face.

I cuddled up to her and let out a sigh.

Within minutes I was asleep.


I let out a yawn as I rolled over, the warmth that at one point was surounding me, was gone.

I lazily opened my eyes and looked around, the room was dark and I could just barely make out the clock.

It read 3:25 AM.

I sighed and laid back down, when I went to roll over I just rolled. Nothing stopped me.

I sat up and looked beside me, Demi wasn't in bed.

I got up and stretched a little, opening the door and walking out of her room.

I looked around and saw her in the living room.

She looked up when she heard me footsteps, a smile spreading across her face.

"I see you woke up." I hummed and padded across the floor.

Demi held her arms open and pulled me into her lap.

I snuggled close and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Still tired?" I nodded a little and pushed my head into her chest. Demi chuckled and sat me up, turning me so I was facing her.

"My sleepy baby." I groaned and slouched forward, trying to cuddle up to her.

"I thought you said you get hyper if you wake up in the night." I rubbed my eyes as she pulled me close.

"Give me a minute...or five..." she giggled and sat back, pulling a blanket around my body.

I smiled and turned my body so I was basically straddling her, the blanket wrapped around my back. Demi grabbed the corners of the blanket and pulled them. I fell forward a little and playfully smacked her hand.

I let out a yawn and shifted my body.

Demi rested her hands on my thighs, moving them inch by inch.

I felt my face flush, I looked down and bit my lip ever so slightly.

Demi raised her right hand and lifted my chin, she looked me in the eye and smiled. I whined and shifted again.

"Can you do me a favor?" Demi tilted her head, not to sure of what I might ask.

"Can you just like...close your eyes for a minute so I can do something? Please." Demi slowly smiled and nodded.

I made a tiny squeal and quickly got off her lap.

Demi covered her face with her hands and tilted her head back, she was trying hard not to look.

I got my clothes off as fast I could, leaving only my underwear on. My bra was sitting on top of my pants.

I took the blanket from before and draped it around my shoulders, pulling it tight so she couldn't see any of my skin.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." Demi opened her eyes and looked at me, she seemed a bit confused but went along with whatever I did.

Demi moved her hands under the blanket and made the connection real quick.

I watched as a devilish smirk spread across her face.

She slowly brought her hands up and took the corners of the blanket from my hands.

I whimpered as she pulled them away, reveling my basically naked self.

I moved myself closer to her and lazily wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Now I see what you mean by hyper..." Demi husked.

Demi let the blanket drop but I quickly picked it up and wrapped it back around myself.

Demi smiled and held my face in her hands, giving me a long and strong kiss. When she pulled away she just held my face.

I gradually started to grind down on her, it was obvious she liked it because...well....she kinda growled.

I bowed my head but looked up with just my eyes, Demi was biting her lip and her eyes were darker. Like a lot darker.

I sat up a little bit and pulled the blanket farther over my shoulders, I let go of it and reached for Demi's hands.

I immediately brought them to my chest, letting her just touch me.

She didn't do a lot besides just rub and massage my chest. I pouted and stuck my chest out farther, wiggling my body a little.

Demi growled a little and gave a small smack to my breast.

I instantly was ready for pain but instead of pain I felt pleasure.

A tiny moan escaped me as well.

I grabbed for her hands again and this time brought them lower. I looked at her and pouted. "Why you pouting baby? Hmm?" she had a smirk on as she moved my underwear to the side.

I felt my breathing hitch as she paused her movements.

Demi brought both hands up and made me keep my body up, she shifted her legs and spread them a little, making me sit back like I was before.

She brought her hand back and just kept it in my underwear.

Demi could sense how desperate I was, she could most likely see it in my eyes. It was that obvious.

I pushed my body forward again only to be met with Demi pushing her fingers into me.

I let out a tiny and quiet moan, leaning my forehead on her chest.

"Such a good girl, my dirty girl."

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