chapter 47

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"I have paper work that I need to get done, so what I'm gonna do is give you the blanket and pillow I have and let you watch some videos."

I smiled and nodded, placing my bag under her desk.

Demi turned back around and motioned to the book cases she has.

"You know where the blanket and pillow is, just grab them and place them where ever you want to relax.", I nodded and walked over, grabbing them and walking back over.

I stood next to her and waited for her to notice me.

She looked up slowly and gave me a confused stare.

She swiveled her chair and placed her hands on my hips.

"Can I help you baby?"

I pointed under her desk which made her look between me and the floor.

"Do you need your bag or something?", I shook my head and held up the pillow and blanket.

Demi stared for a moment and scrunched up her face in confusion.

"You wanna lay down there?", I smiled and nodded which made Demi roll her eyes playfully.

She moved her chair back and let me crawl under, I laid the pillow down and put my bag behind it. I pulled my laptop out and my earbuds as well. I fixed the blanket and tucked it under my feet, putting my laptop on my lap and plugging in my earbuds.

I signed into my laptop and went to YouTube, I searched up a minecraft video because why not.

I ended up on a video from Joey Graceffa. I noticed Demi's leg was closer to me than before.

I smiled and rested my hand against her leg, she jumped a little and looked down to me, I smiled and gave her a cheeky smile. She rolled her eyes and sat back up, letting me watch my video.

I glanced back at my laptop but quickly looked back at Demi, realizing that I could see directly up her dress.

I bit my lip and sighed, knowing I wasn't gonna be able to do anything.

I turned my attention back to my laptop, watching the video and sneaking a glance at Demi every once and while.

It felt like forever as I sat laid there, I went through like twenty different videos and ended up finishing all of them. I wanted Demi to give me attention and to just joke around with but I couldn't.

I typed something in on my laptop and just happened to glance over. Demi was pushing her chair back and taking her heels off. She moved them to the side before knelling down and then sitting.

I took out my earbuds and gave her a confused look.

"I finished my work for the day. Now we can chill and just snuggle.", a smile erupted on my face and I closed my laptop. Demi scrunched her face for moment before I wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

"I am currently low on hugs. Need them, now.", Demi chuckled and picked up my laptop, placing it on top of her desk.

She turned back to me and held out her arms, letting me come over and snuggle into her. I smiled and pulled the blanket around my shoulders and over hers.

"Not exactly gonna work but thank you for trying baby.", I giggled and snuggled into her arms, hiding my face under the blanket.

Demi laughed and tried to make me look up.

"What are you hiding for baby?", I let out a whine which slowly turned into a fit of giggles.

Demi started to chuckle and try to make me look at her and speak.

"Hmm? What you hiding for babe? I wanna see your cute little face.", I pulled the blanket over my face and let out a loud laugh.

Demi was quick to start tickling me, trying to get me to talk.

"Noooooooo!!", I rolled off her lap and onto the floor, trying to get away from her so she couldn't tickle me.

"Stop hiding your face baby and I'll stop tickling you!", I shook my head from under eh blanket and attempted to roll away from her.

She grabbed me and pulled me back, tickling my sides the whole time.

"NOOOO!! I-I'M GONNA PEEEE!!! STOP!!", I took in a huge breath and started to kick around a little.

Demi was laughing loud and stopped tickling me.

I sat up and got my breathing back.

Demi's face was red and she fell backwards laughing.

"It's not funny!"

Demi let out a tiny snort and rolled onto her side, her blazer falling onto the floor. I pouted and crawled over, turning her and sitting on her thighs.

She was still laughing as I sat on top of her. Tears actually coming from her eyes.

"The way you said it though!!! I'm gonna peeee! FUCKKKK!!", I giggled and hid my face in the blanket, not wanting to get any more embarrassed.

Demi kept laughing and I just hid more.

I got off her thighs and crawled back under her desk, pulling the pillow over my head and hiding from her.

A minute went by and I felt hands pulling my hips back.

I moved the pillow and saw Demi smiling, she pulled me back and fixed me in her lap.

"I'm sorry baby. You sounded so cute and funny. I didn't mean to make you embarrassed, I love you."

I huffed and pulled the blanket over my head.

", please. I'm sorry. I just want some snuggles and love from my girl. Am I still allowed to get snuggles and love from you?", I grumbled and hugged her, she chuckled and pulled me against her.

She moved the blanket and smiled down at me.

I stuck out my tongue which made her chuckle some more.

"You're a meanie."

Demi smiled and kissed all over my face, making me scrunch up and hide from her kisses. She kept kissing and eventually held onto my head, preventing me from squirming.

She stopped kissing and smiled at me. I kept pouting and didn't change my expression.

Demi pulled me closer and quickly pressed her lips to mine. My eyes closed by instinct and I let out a whimper. She smiled into the kiss and relaxed her grip on my chin.

I desperately turned my body and let myself straddle her.

My body twitched a little as she ran her hands along my body.

I placed my hands on her shoulders and just barely kept myself sitting up. She dragged her nails over my hips and kept moving her hands and squeezing me butt.

She pulled away and smirked, bringing her hands up and fixing my hair.

I leaned forward and pressed my forehead against hers.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more than you know baby. I find a way to love you more everyday."

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