chapter 69

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I walked beside Demi, holding onto her sleeve and leaning against her a little.

The campus was empty and it was silent. The only noise coming from the streets surrounding the campus.

As we walked I occasionally would trip onto he grass, Demi catching me every time.

I ran in front of her and grabbed the cafeteria door, swinging it open and holding it for her. She smiled and gave me a quick kiss as she walked in.

I felt myself starting to blush, I covered my face with my hand, trying to hide it a little.

I ran up behind Demi and leaned my chin onto her shoulder, she turned her head a little and smiled.

She stopped walking and turned around to me, holding my shoulders and smiling.

"You are in some type of mood right now. Go over to any table and sit, I'll get food for us.", I whined and pushed my head into her chest, she chuckled and made me look up, chuckling as she looked at my face.

"Come on, no attitude, go sit and wait for me.", I sighed and nodded, walking over to a table and plopping myself down in a chair.

I watched Demi walk over and grab some food, stopping and talking to the women who worked in the cafeteria. I leaned my head back against the chair and looked out the window. The campus started to fill with students and they were all coming towards the cafeteria.

I looked back up when I felt the table move a little, when I looked up Demi was standing in front of me.

She smiled as she pushed one of the trays in front of me. I looked down and saw that she had gotten pasta and some sort of fruit cup thing.

She sat down and pulled her chair in, her heels brushing against my leg.

I quickly started eating and realized that I didn't have anything to drink.

I tapped Demi's arm, causing her to look up.

She smiled and stopped what she was doing.

"What's up?", I was just about to answer when the doors of the cafeteria opened. Within an instant voices came over mine and drowned me out.

I sighed and shook my head, quickly picking up my fork and eating.

Demi reached across the table and grabbed my hand, making me look up.

She stood up and walked around the table, crouching next to me and turning me a little.

"What were you gonna say?",I pouted and leaned my head forward, putting it in Demi's hands.

I looked up and sighed. "I was gonna ask if you wanted something to drink, I was gonna grab something.", Demi smiled and pulled my face close to hers, kissing me and standing back up.

"Go ahead, get me either water or Gatorade.", I nodded and stood up, walking around her and going to the little fridge thingy.

I opened it and grabbed a Gatorade for Demi, I stood for a moment trying to find something for myself.

I grabbed a bottle of cranberry juice and closed the door, weaving between the people and hurrying back to Demi.

As I neared the table I saw Lauren and Kehlani standing next to the table. They were talking to Demi and smiling.

I walked over and placed the Gatorade in front of Demi, quickly sitting opposite of her and placing my drink down as well.

Lauren and Kehlani looked at me and smiled, Kehlani moved over and stood behind my chair, hugging me and then just standing behind me.

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