chapter 33

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I woke up to the sound of running water. I turned over and couldn't feel Demi around me.

I let out a quiet whine and rolled over, opening my eyes only a little. The sheets were messed up from where she slept, but her body wasn't there.

I pushed the covers off my body and got up, walking towards the bathroom.

The light was on in there.

I stopped right before the door and turned around, looking at the clock.

5:30 AM.

Why the fuck was Demi even awake?

I turned back to the door and hesitated.

Instead of just opening the door, I knocked.

I heard a small muffled Yelp but then I heard Demi sigh.

"It's open.", I turned the knob and pushed the door open, walking into the bathroom.

The shower was running, making the room beyond humid. Demi moved the curtain and smiled at me.

"Get undressed, come shower with me." I nodded and quickly got undressed.

I walked over, Demi held the shower curtain open so I could step in.

She closed the curtain and turned to me, I let out a yawn and wrapped my arms around her waist. I laid my head on her chest and relaxed.

Demi wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer, she turned me a little so I was under the water.

I shivered and tried to hide in her arms, I failed miserably.

"I'm still tired.", Demi chuckled.

"I can tell, you yawned and you're extra snuggly.", I giggled and shook my head.

We stood in silence for a while.

I could feel her tracing shapes along my back. It was calming but it tickled as well.

Suddenly I felt her hand going lower. I didn't say anything or make a noise, I wanted to see what she was gonna do. She let go of me and ran her other hand down as well.

My body shook a little as she moved her hands down to my thighs.

I heard her let out a low chuckle, "that feel good baby?", I moved my head and looked up at her, I felt breathless as she moved her hands around. She kept going back up and squeezing my butt.

I held back a hiss of pain, the feeling of the belt marks hurt still.

I rest my chin on her chest, I was looking up. Her eyes seemed darker and she looked ready to just wreck me.

"Do me a favor baby," she spoke in a whisper, moved her head and giving me kisses, "go sit on the little seat in the corner. I think you deserve to have a treat.".

I felt my face heat up, I nodded slowly. She let go of me and turned me around. I walked over to the corner of the shower, sitting down on the little seat built into the shower wall.

I watched Demi, she stood there for a minute, not moving or anything.

She slowly made her way to me, she was walking in a suggestive manner.

I let out a while when she stood in front of me.

I craned my neck up, looking up and seeing her just staring at me.

"Who do you belong too?", I let out a while and pointed her you. Demi sighed and shook her head, "I need words baby."

I whined and hid my face.

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