chapter 15

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***TW: sexual assault***


"Anyway I hope you all know which building you are going to and which classes you will be having." the instructor for my first class was ditching his lesson to inform us of the two other classes.

I would still be having lunch at my normal time, I just had to eat fast and run to my next class.

The sound of the sudden and shrill bell made everybody jump a little. The instructor said good bye as everyone left, leaving me the last out of the class room.

I walked to the front to make my journey out the door much faster.

"Ry. May I speak to you please?" I turned and faced the instructor, leaning on the table behind me.

He walked around his desk with his arms crossed, his glasses on and the sleeves of his sweater raised.

He leaned against his desk and suddenly gave me a weird vibe.

"Ry I've wanted to talk to you one on one since I first met you. You seem like a nice girl." he stood up now and kept the same arms crossed position as before.

He looked me up and down slowly, a tiny flirtatious smirk on his face.

"You look pretty today. Then again I have a feeling you try and dress pretty every day." I gripped the straps of my bag and clenched my jaw.

Now I understood my bad vibe from before.

I saw his foot slowly inching forward, like he was about to walk towards me.

"So...I was thinking...maybe you and me could go get some coffee at some point. Ya know like friends instead of teacher and student." I instantly shook my head and stood up straighter.

His expression didn't change, actually it did. Now he was slightly biting his lip.

It disgusted me, almost to the point of slapping him but I knew Demi would be more mad with me than with him.

"I'm sorry but I'm gonna pass you up on your offer." I spoke in a firm tone, or so I thought I did.

Within seconds his whole demeanor changed. His smile was no longer present, his arms were now slight fists by his sides.

He inched closer, panic running through my body.

I went to get up but the second I did he stood up right in front of me. I was about to push him out of the way but he reached up and grabbed the straps f my bag.

"Hey! Don't fucking put your hands on me!" I tried to push him back but he held on tight and didn't let me go.

I could feel tears pricking my eyes but I wasn't about to cry and show him the actual power he had.

In one swift movement he leaned down and forced his lips onto mine.

I closed my mouth all together and struggled against his grip.

I kept struggling until it hit me, I could kick him in his crotch. I lifted my leg and went to knee him in the crotch...only to be met with a slap.

Now my tears sprang free.

I held my breath and tried to pinch and push and do everything I could to get him off of me.

Nothing was working.

My thoughts ran wild, the one that never left was about Demi. If some one saw or if she saw what was happening I'd be fucked.

I felt his left hand leave the strap of my bag and go downwards.

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