chapter 27

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I looked up a little and saw Demi smiling at me.

"Why you staring?" Demi shrugged and dipped her hand in the water, she quickly booped my nose and giggled.

I whined and laid my head on her shoulder.

I shivered a little but Demi quickly wrapped her arms around me.

"Wanna get out and just snuggle and watch videos, or do you want to go somewhere?" I shrugged, not really caring.

Demi nodded and sat me up.

I pouted as she stood up got out the tub.

I shifted myself so that I was knelling and my legs were slightly spread.

Demi had grabbed a towel and was drying herself off, when she turned around her eyes landed on me and the position I was in.

She smirked as she walked into her room, she came back in a minute later.

She was dressed in her usual pants, heels and white button up.

She walked back into the bathroom, her heels clicking as she walked. I shivered a little but stayed in the same place.

She looked down at me, a smirk on her face.

"You look so cute and innocent."I blushed and hid my face with my arm.

"Come on, up and out so we can get dressed." I huffed but stood up, Demi pulled the drain plug and water started to go down.

She grabbed a towel and handed it to me once I was out of the tub.

I wrapped it around my body and followed Demi into her room.

She sat down on the bed and patted her lap, I shook my head cause I was still damp from the bath.

Demi sighed and got up for a second, pulling me close and onto her lap.

I huffed and crossed my arms.

Demi turned me and kissed my head. "You always get mad when I have you sit on my lap after you're damp. Its not the end of the world if my pants get a little wet."

I huffed again and sat angerly.

Demi sighed and laid back, pulling me so I laid down on her.

We laid like that for a while until Demi sat up. She bounced me on her lap a little but then stood me up.

"Come on, get dressed, so we can go places." I nodded and walked over to my bags, I rummaged through them and pulled out a pull over sweatshirt and a pair of shorts.

I turned around and was about to ask Demi where we were going but she wasn't in the room.

I shrugged to myself and got dressed, pushing my hair out of my face. Granted my hair was short it was always in my face and eyes.

Once dressed I walked out and into the little living room.

Demi was sitting, once she saw me she stood up and walked over, pulling me into her arms and just holding me.

I hugged her and rested my head on her shoulder. "Where we going today?" I looked up a little and saw Demi trying to think of a place.

She shrugged and gave me a kiss, I smiled and relaxed against her.

"How about we just go out and get you some proper supplies for your classes?" I shrugged, not really caring about where we were going.

Demi pulled away and smiled, walking over to her purse and then holding out her hand for me.

I walked over and quickly grabbed the water bottle she had given me and walked to her.

I took a hold of her hand and followed her as she led me out of her room.

She stopped and locked her door, turning back to me and leading me down the hallway. We walked down and towards the front door of the building, we were stopped abruptly by a instructor moving in front of us.

The instructor had no expression but seemed to have this already planned in her head.

"Mistress Lovato...good to see you..I was hoping I'd run into you soo-" the instructor was cut off by Demi holding up one finger.

"First off, you could of simply come to my office and ask to speak to me. Secondly, don't try and give me shit about being with her," Demi motioned with her head over to me, "You personally have tried multiple times to get arrested for being with a student. You've been told multiple times that since this is a private academy, I can do what I want." she paused and waited for the instructor to respond.

I watched as the instructors face scrunched up, with in seconds she just scowled and mumbled a small 'sorry' under her breath. Demi smiled and pulled me along as she started to walk again.

Right as I walked past the instructor I heard her mumble out 'bitch'. I stopped dead in my tracks and yanked my hand from Demi's.

"The fuck you just call her?" I moved in front of the instructor and stood as tall as I could.

Demi whipped around and stopped. The instructor looked up and gave me a tiny smirk.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't say anything." I felt a bit of rage fly through me as the instructor lied.

"Bull fucking shit, you called her a bitch!" I took a step forward and slightly pushed the instructor.

Demi quickly came over and pulled me back. She turned towards me and gave me a stern look.

"Don't. Go outside and wait for me, walk for a few minutes and blow off some steam." I huffed and nodded.

I turned and glared at the instructor, I acted like I was going to lunge at her which resulted in getting Demi more mad.

"RY! GO!" I put my hands up and walked out of the building.

Once outside the building a I took a deep breath and started to walk back and forth.

As I walked back and forth I got bored and walked farther.

I walked down to the corner of the little dorm building and peered around the corner. I saw two guys, most likely students, acting sketchy and paranoid.

I watched for a few seconds and watched as one of them reached into their pocket and pulled out a tiny bag. It was small but it held some stuff.

Some drug-ish looking stuff.

My eyes went wide and turned back around, walking back towards the doors of the building. Demi was not gonna like to hear about this.

As I got half way there Demi walked out of the building and looked around.

When she looked in my direction she took a very visible sigh.

I walked over and waited to get yelled at.

"First off, don't walk that far, secondly, she admitted to calling me a bitch after I mentioned the cameras in the little lobby." I chuckled and smiled.

Demi gave a small smile and shook her head.

She brought her hands up and held onto my arms and looked me in the eyes.

"Thirdly, you could have handled with it better. I'm not mad at you, just a little disappointed that you acted like that. When we get back later we're gonna go to my office and you'll get punished. Am I clear?" I pouted and looked at my feet.

Demi tilted my head back up and gave me a serious look. "Am I clear?" I nodded but she just kept staring at me.

"Yes Mistress Lovato."

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