𝑮𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑻𝒆𝒔𝒕

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Few days have passed for you, you still aren't customed to the way this world work and sometimes you forgot that you have powers to head one with enemy.

Living in this world certainly feel like a dream to you but there are times you wished that you only have to sit your ass at home not worrying much about monsters.

Though being able to go outside isn't something you thought you were going to enjoy. Probably it's because that this world hasn't been tainted with trash that enough to kill the nature.

Probably living this world better than going back to your dull dying world. You let out a sigh as you sat down under the tree near Cider Lake with dandelions surrounding you.

"Y/N! There you are!" You heard Paimon said as you turned around to see Aether and Paimon.

"You were looking for me?" You asked as you stood up and wiped of the dirt off your pants.

"Yeah! We just wondering if you want to grab a bite at Good Hunter?" Paimon asked as you looked at your wallet to see if you have enough Mora. You only have a couple of Mora which isn't even enough to buy salt.

You spent all your money on upgrading your weapon with the blacksmith, you somehow have the ability to level up and right now you are on level 10. Leveling up yourself is possible thanks to your phone in hand.

You still wondered how and why does your phone isn't dying on battery with solid 100% on them and why does it have the ability to do things like this.

"I don't have enough money to buy anything. I'll just cook myself some food." You said and was about to leave. Cooking in this world are much more simpler so you don't mind it.

"We'll treat you!" You immediately turned around with sparkles in your eyes. Aether just sighed as he nodded.

You immediately sat down and decided to order Tea Break Pancake. From what you heard, the pancakes is really fluffy and goes really well with a cup of tea so you can't wait to try.

"Paimon surprised you didn't order a Steak or Fisherman Toast like you usually do." Paimon said as you raised your eyebrows.

"Is it that weird that I want something sweet?" You questioned. You have heard from few people that you looked like the type to hate sweets.

"It's a little weird though to eat pancakes for lunch. Like wouldn't you usually go for savory things for lunch." Paimon stated as the food arrived.

"Back at my home, we call this brunch. Breakfast and lunch besides food is food. I don't really care as long as they are good." You shrugged before starting to dig in to the food.

The moment you began to chew on the pancake, it is so fluffy that it melted in your mouth and burst with flavor of berries. The berries however tasted like strawberry and raspberry mixed together. Strangely enough, it was lighter than the pancakes you used to eat.

In a blink of the eye, the food all gone which surprised Aether and Paimon. "It isn't even 5 minutes and you already finished?" Paimon asked, looked at you in disbelief.

"I was hungry. What you expect?" For some reason, Paimon immediately shivered before she shook her head.

"Nothing. You sure are full of surprises, Y/N." Paimon stated as Aether nodded. You noticed how elegant Aether eats while you, you're just a mess.

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