𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 𝑨𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑰𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑻𝒆𝒂𝒎

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After that night's incident, you can't stop thinking about and you were screeching endlessly through the night till now until now. You went to the Knights of Favonius' Headquarter, apparently Jean wanted to meet you to hand out a new mission for you to investigate.

You slowly knocked on the door and poked your head inside. "Acting Grand Master Jean? Are you in here?" You questioned as you saw her was going through a book as she turned to you.

"Oh, Y/N, you're here. Please take a seat." She said as she poured a cup of tea and handed it with some cookies to you. You happily accept it as she sat in front of you. "Recently there's an attack happened in Mondstadt. It said that it was a pack of wolves that attacked but I highly doubt that so can you look into it for me whether it's really the wolves?" She asked as you nodded.

"Sure, I will and will be done in a jiffy." You said as you finished the cup of tea and stood up. "Also thanks for the tea and the cookies. It was absolutely delicious." You thanked her before leaving and went outside the headquarter.

To your surprise, you saw Aether being drenched while Osial seemingly to be very happy about something. You were about to ask what happen but Paimon who was also drenched as well as she stopped you. "Don't even ask."

You didn't really understand what's going on but you have a feeling you are going to regret if you ask. "Alright, I won't anyways. I have new mission you guys wanna tag along?" You asked as Paimon tilted her head.

"What kind of mission?" She asked in curiosity as she began to shake off the excess water on her body which splashed on your face.

You glared at her before you let out a sigh. "Investigation. Apparently there's a wolf pack attacked. I only have to find out who was the real culprit behind it." You explained as you opened your phone to navigate your way there.

"Yes please- Oh wait... I forgot I have daily commissions in Liyue to do first. Never mind, you guys go ahead." Osial frowned as the sky turned grey. You sometimes forgot that his emotions can be tell by the weather.

"I'll make you some Shrimp Balls when you get back." You said as his face immediately lit up in happiness. Truly, reminded you a puppy except he's underwater. You just smiled as you patted his head. "Yes, yes, I will. I'll see you later then." You bid goodbye with him and turned to see a jealous Aether.

"Affection, no jealousy." You patted his head before you kissed his cheeks to calm himself down. Well, it's rather this or he'll commit genocide.

"Sheesh, Y/N become even more bolder after that dance. Sooner or later, Paimon have to watch a whole harem drama." Paimon huffed and wondered what kind of misfortune does she have to be to end up being the third wheeler.

You just chuckled before you took out a plate of Almond Tofu. "Sorry and here as an apology gift." You gave her before her eyes widen and immediately ate it.

"First thing first, I want to make a stop at Wolvendom, for Wolfhook berries and bunch of Small Lamp Grass. Then we shall go to Drunkard Gorge." You suggested as you guys made your way to Wolvendom.


Upon arriving, you were busy picking the grass and berries on the ground as Paimon began to tell a bit about Wolvendom before you noticed there were slimes across the berries you were picking.

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