𝑶𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑻𝒆𝒖𝒄𝒆𝒓... 𝑮𝑶!

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You were carrying Teucer while making your way to the Qingxu Pool. You were walking there as slow as you could so that Childe had time to finish his business. And that was before... Paimon began to exclaim, "Found him! There's Childe! Wait, he's talking to... the Treasure Hoarders?" Teucer immediately jumped off your arms and running off to see Childe.

You are not going to watch Childe embarrassed himself for the sake of keeping his brother's dream intact. You were panting the moment you saw Teucer's greeting his brother. "Brother!" Childe was surprised to see his brother being here. Before Teucer could say any of his lines, you immediately swooped him in your arms with the energy you have left.

"Sorry boys that we interrupted your business dealing." Teucer, of course, was unhappy by the fact that you stopped him from talking with his brother and immediately throw his tantrum in your arms before you shushing him. "Childe, you better deal with this quick and meet us there." You said before bringing him far away while Teucer is punching your back, screaming to your ears to put him down.

Childe felt extremely guilty and was equally felt upset to see his brother was unhappy but it's best for Teucer not to watch him doing the dirty work. He returned to 'discuss' with them as you three went away. You were unfazed by his tantrums and you weren't sure why given you never babysit anyone well maybe other than Paimon but Paimon is really easy to please so it never gave you trouble.

You put him down on the ground and before he could run off again you stopped him. He was clearly upset and refused to talk to you and looked you into his eyes. "Teucer, your brother is in the middle of his business, we must not interrupt them." You said before he looked at you with teary eyes.

"But, I miss my brother! I want to talk with him!" He said before you could utter another word he interrupted you. "You had no idea how does it feel when he was always been overseas." He looked away which honestly those words pierced through your heart. You have been here for a few months and there are times that you wished you could've just stay back in your miserable home with your sister than dealing with this confusing back story of yours.

You sighed and tried to think of a way to somehow make him stay and wait for his brother. "I know how it feels alright... But once your brother finished his business right now, you can talk with him later. Business between people is meant to keep as a secret and if we watch how the business unfold, it wouldn't be a secret now, would it?" You asked, not sure if you worded it right but then again, you weren't sure how else you would word it.

"But... I'm really curious how he usually does his business." He said as you remembered about the Ruin Guard Toy you bought from him.

"How about this... I have one of the toys that I bought from him." You said as he immediately looked at you with his eyes sparkled. You took out the plushie before his eyes widen. "Here, you can play with it if you want." You said as you handed it to him as you watched him excitedly play it with it while you spend time with him.


"And once again, Mr. Cyclops has saved the citizens of the Golden Apple from the terror of Samurai Kenki." You ended up telling some weird ass story to keep him entertained as his eyes widen. If you have to be honest, you really just based that one movie you watched when you were a child called Megamind though the story you told is completely different than the one you tried to retold.

"Paimon never knew you had a knack of telling stories, Y/N. Paimon almost thought it was real. You should write a book for the Yae Publishing House and we could earn some Mora." You just laughed nervously as Paimon ate the whole popsicle off.

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