𝑨𝒉 𝒚𝒆𝒔, 𝒏𝒐 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈

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It was a long-distance walking from Nantianmen to Liyue Harbor and the moment you two arrived at the entrance, you still see Ganyu doubting herself that the idea of coming here was a good idea. "Well, here we are back at Liyue Harbor or rather almost there," you stated as Ganyu looked at Liyue, feeling a bit like an alien herself being here given she is half Qilin.

"Eh... I'm still..." She trailed off, hesitantly on stepping in Liyue once more. You do remember the poor three women who had to go with her workload and sometimes you weren't sure if she should go back with her workload but then again, she does love her work but for the sake of the plot.

"Come on, Ganyu! You don't want to turn back now, do you?" You asked, remembering that was Paimon exact lines to convince Ganyu not to leave. She pondered for a moment before looking at you who had been nothing and kind to you and she felt guilty if she let you go abandoned you here alone.

"I suppose you have a point. It would be quite impolite of me to leave the two of you now." She said before entering the city and walked around the places with you.

"Well, any place in mind that you want to visit?" You asked as she thought for a while before staring at the ocean that was quite near you guys. The sounds of the waves collapsing on the shore blended with the sounds of people shouting something about sales or just talking among themselves. It was as calming as being on the mountain, enjoying the cold breeze while gazing at the clouds.

"I've spent too much time in the mountains. The first thing that comes to my mind is the sea. Let's go for a walk in the port." She stated before you put on a kind smile.

"Let us go then."


The moment you two arrived, Ganyu stopped and stared at the view of the wharf, taking in the smell of the ocean breeze while you bought yourself and her if she wanted to some of the chrysanthemum tea, given that it had been such a long time you hadn't drunk them. "Do you want some?" You asked as you handed her the tea but she politely declined and looked at the view alongside her.

"The sound of the waves in this familiar port... The smell of the sea breeze makes me nostalgic." She let out a sigh as you looked at the view but looking at it making you remember about meeting Osial. That reuniting or meeting was something. In the middle of the ocean and just the two of you together. Thinking of him making you had a terrible headache which made you wondered why. It was temporary though and you probably getting yourself sick if you keep thinking about it.

Before you could say a word to Ganyu, someone behind you called out Ganyu's name, "Why, isn't it... Little Miss Ganyu?" Ganyu turned around and saw an old man heading towards you two, chuckling to himself before smiling. "I wouldn't have thought I'd meet you here. You were always so busy." He said and him calling her Little Miss Ganyu made Ganyu awkward.

"Little Miss Ganyu, huh..." You stated before she froze by the way you called her. She received this weird tingly feeling in her heart which makes it beat faster. She also felt her face heated up by that simple nickname that only Uncle Tian called.

"Ah... Please don't also start calling me that..." She hid her embarrassment which made you quite amused by her reaction if you had to be honest as she cleared her throats. "Allow me to introduce Uncle Tian, he is..." She trailed off, not sure how to introduce him given he wanted to keep a low profile about his status but Uncle Tian doesn't seem to mind at all.

"That's alright, just tell them the truth. They have done so much for Liyue, after all, and I am the one who has yet to introduce myself." He assured her as she nodded and began to introduce him to you. Of course, you had to act like you don't know- actually you've forgotten about him.

"Oh my, another member of Qixing... And the same rank as Ningguang. What a surprise... I never thought I would've seen you here. An honor to meet you and if I were to guess that you want me to be discreet about your identity?" You asked as he looked a bit surprised by your question and nodded.

"I guess you do understand how tough it is to be someone in higher rank when trying to wind down. Fishing in the port and strolling about are the greatest pleasures of my life. I have no wish to be followed around by those armed guards. In most people's eyes, I'm just a forgetful and wordy old man." He said as you just rubbed your neck and chuckled nervously.

It wasn't popular more like surrounded by protective men... You thought to yourself before you just standing, listening to their conversation, feeling a bit left out before Uncle Tian began to ask a favor to help his daughter regarding an issue in Yuehai Pavillion. "With pleasure. Solving Qixing's problems has always been in my job description." It impressed you how easy she could go back to her work mode and maybe you should assist her with few other matters.

"Well, next stop is Yuehai Pavillion I supposed..." You stated before following her to the Yuehai Pavillion.


The moment you two arrived, there you saw the woman which you assumed was Huixin, looking at Ganyu in relief, of course, you just stand there said nothing just to let them catch up a bit before you get to the reason why you came here. "Uh, where should I start? I discovered something strange while organizing tax records... There are obvious irregularities in the tax declarations of two stores: Second Life and Wanyou Boutique. However, whether I question the shopkeepers or check their accounts, I... I can't seem to make any progress with my investigation. Without any evidence, my hands are tied." She explained the situation to Ganyu.

You remember this tax evasion quest very well that the only thing you remember is a Fatui want to pick some berries. This might just be a very long day... You thought to yourself, not even listening to the conversation that was until you noticed they were making their way somewhere.

You just followed them from behind of course. Your mind wanders while they settled the mysteries of this tax that was before you heard a familiar female voice ringing in your head.

"I miss you... Yves. I'm waiting for you to reincarnate once more and we, also, of course, my brother will make the world as we had dreamt of. While you are gone, I'll do my part on engulfing the throne that wasn't supposed to exist in the first place"



Author Note;

Not my brian died at the last minute hiheg9e- Exams today had been rough for me because I didn't get to finish on my story about the lucky escape. Also new announcement, I have published Addicted on AO3 where the grammar and spelling errors would be less than the one on Wattpad also of course few parts are edited. It would be best for you to reread Addicted there than here! Though I only updated 2 chapters so updates there might be slower.

Also random thought I had, like if Genshin characters had like Omegaverse and when they were in heat, M/N would go like:

Also random thought I had, like if Genshin characters had like Omegaverse and when they were in heat, M/N would go like:

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Wish I could draw this scene but in M/N ver but I'm just not motivated lol. This could also apply to y'all thirsty comments and him just trying to calm you guys down. Anyways, I hope you guys have a great day and see y'all next time!

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