𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈, 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 ✨𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈✨ 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒍

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The moment you arrived at the place, there you saw Xiao waiting for you and as for where Aether went, he waited for you for the ritual ended. After all, he didn't want to disturbed the ritual. "This censer, and these lamps... Their designs are flawless, almost as if they were made specifically for use in the adepti arts. Where did you come by them?" He suddenly asked you as you stayed silence for a moment.

"I got it from a yaksha named Pervases also he said hi." You said as Xiao's sharp gaze has become somewhat more gentler as he observed the item closely. You had your breath taken away for a moment to see how gentle he looked. You know you have seen fanart of him, looking gentle and soft but seeing it in front of your eyes made you feel lucky.

"Yes, this does have the hallmarks of something Pervases might do. As I thought, it seems that he could not leave Liyue behind either... I hope that its present state will allow him to rest in peace." Xiao said before he set up the place for the Dream Trawler ritual and of course with your help.

"Yes, this will do. Now, the next step is the key to performing Dream Trawler... There are four steps to performing this ritual: offering incense, meditation, incantation, and loosing an arrow." He began to explain the steps of the ritual thoroughly and made it clear what will happen if you didn't do it correctly. You were surprised that despite how strict he sounded, he could be gentle at a certain times.

Maybe because you are used to hearing his English voice instead of Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

"If you have no other questions, let us begin." He said as you took the incense from his hand with the thoughts of... Zhongli in your heart and mind. He will hear this if I say or think about his real name, right?  You thought before you gulped and hoped he just ignored your voice or let it be drowned by the other Liyue people prayers.

You prayed to Rex Lapis for this ritual to go successfully before you put it into the censer and began to meditate. Your mind immediately became empty and you don't even feel Orochi's presence in your head at the moment. You took out your bow before you began to chant out, "Devayaksha, Bring Forth Sin!"

Xiao was surprised for a moment since he could sense some sort of an ancient god presence for a moment when you chanted out and he could've sworn that your eyes turn golden during that second. You shoot it precisely at the yaksha statues' waist and there you saw Starsnatcher appeared right in front of your eyes. Xiao, however did not expected that you actually managed to complete it whole and began to wonder what are you exactly.

"Where is one... Huh? You two look familiar. What's with ones body? One feels... light. Weightless!" Starsnatcher said excitedly before you smirked.

"Welcome to the afterlife." You greeted him, still holding a bow in your hand and you could feel the colors from his face began to fade away.

"Dead!? Impossible! One was just lying in peaceful repose at Wangshu Inn..." He said before he felt a very sharp thing just piercing through his body and he weren't sure if it was your gaze or it was his imagination.

Your chuckles were absolutely as if you did actually kill him and not only it could scare the mortals but it was enough to send shivers down to Xiao's spine. "How bold of you to assume that I won't kill you off when you are asleep just like that." Your voice immediately dropped to few octaves which sparked fears to him.

"Wait... that must be it... of course it must! Haha, as expected of an adeptus such as oneself... One must indeed be in a dream." You just smiled before you switched out your bow to your sword, trailing your finger on the blade till the end before looking at him.

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