𝑰 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒐 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒌 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈...

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You looked at your hands that was half black while you felt the gazes to you which couldn't help but feel guilty for making them worried. You were waiting for answer but none dare to speak a word of it. Not a single word coming from them. You didn't want to stay in this silent and somewhat you were agitated and annoyed that no one is telling you what to do. "You know what, never mind... I'll go and take a walk. I need to clear my mind."

They were about to say something but you disappeared in front of them, going to who knows where. They sighed as they looked at each other while Aether seems to be a bit shaken up by the fact that he had to witness that side of you. It almost reminded him of the reason why he and his sister were separated in the first place. "...Paimon will go and check up on Y/N." She disappeared in the thin air.

"We need to talk about this. I was put inside him for the sake of him not to turn into what she did not desire for him to be. I should tell a bit about him that none of you know at all." Orochi's expression was serious as the others just listened to what he had to say.


You walked around the Lingju pass' ruins with the Ruin Guard be. Your origins, your family, that whatever dream you had. God, you remember that you were only a normal ass citizen that had no life but playing this game and somehow being transported here.

Now, you are being dragged into learning about your past that you never remembered or you don't even know you had. Having this... thing in your head just proved that it's real. You've met Lumine and Dainsleif in the past.. You were a king to what you could assume Khaen'riah but before that, you were in a family that is so mysterious. You were supposed to reuniting with your family beforehand but now what Orochi said to you, you don't know anymore.

And Osial however, probably been with your family for so long and this doesn't actually clear him for suspicious list but he had been nothing but nice to you. Why this is happening? Why now? Why-

Your thoughts were interrupted by a kid's voice. "Hey you! Check this out, isn't it awesome!" You turned around and saw a familiar face on the kid and that put a frown on your face. Oh my dear Archons, please give me strengths to go through this... You thought and if this had to happen to you now, you might as well went along with it. "I've never seen one this close before! Have you ever seen one?" He asked as you looked at the powered down before nodding.

"All the time. It's super strong." You put up on the kid friendly act in front of him despite you had a bad mood earlier. Teucer nodded as he jumped in excitement, almost reminded you of that one neighbor kid that always spies on you and seems to admire you whenever you had any fancy items on you.

Do you even have a neighbor kid-? You don't remember but that was a long time ago.

"Here you are, Y/N. Are you- Huh?" Paimon was a little surprise to see a powered-down Ruin Guard and a kid next to it. You were a bit surprised to see her here but then again, she would've searched for you since she might be worried.

"Just play along with me." You whispered as you turned to Teucer. "You seems to be really excited to see these, kid?" You questioned him as he turned to you.

"Of course! After all, Mr. Cyclopses are super duper strong that no bad guys can escape from them!" He said in excitement as Paimon was a bit puzzled by the situation.

"Mr. Cyclops? That's a really cute name- Wait do people seriously called them that?" Paimon askked as he nodded before telling you two about his brother being the best toy seller in the world before he looked at Paimon.

"It's always nice to meet someone else who likes toys. So tell me, where'd you get your toy from? Must be a pretty new kind, I've never seen on that can fly and talk before!" Teucer said before you looked at him with a smug look.

"Limited edition. Jealous much?" You said as Paimon looked at you in offended manner before stomping her little feet in the air.

"Hey! Just 'cause you get to play with Paimon all the time does not mean that Paimon's a toy!" Paimon fumed before you pat her head and gave her a candy apple which she happily take and eat it.

"You want one?" You asked him while giving him another candy apple. He looked at you in confusion on what were you holding and before he could ask, you already answering his question. "It's candy apple! A really sweet treat." You stated as his eyes looked at it in excitement. He took a bite of it before he continued eating the candy apple as you chuckled to see how much he loved it. "By the way, what's your name?" You asked him, pretending like you never knew his name in the first place.

"My name's Teucer! I came all the way from Snezhnaya to look for my brother in Liyue. But I'm all on my own, and I don't know where to find him..." He said as Paimon looked at him in surprised.

"You came all the way from Snezhnaya?!" Teucer nodded before realizing he's forgetting something before rummaging through his pocket and taking out a really big bag in his hand. He handed you the bag and you looked at the amount of Mora in surprise. "What the!?"

"My brother said I should take it with me. He said, "Find a nice person to give this to, and they will take good care of Teucer." He said as you looked at him in worry. You wondered if this is Childe's doing or Anthon's doing to teach him carry this much Mora around.

Paimon was mumbling things that you do not hear as you just smiled at him. "I'll take it and I'll help you find your brother, Teucer." You patted his head.

"Yay, thanks nice guy! Alright, now we gotta need to make a pinkie promise." You pulled your pinkie before intertwining with his pinkie. "You make a pinkie promise, you keep it all your life. You break a pinkie promise, I throw you on the ice. The cold will kill the pinkie that once betrayed your friend, the frost will freeze your tongue off so you never lie again." Paimon was frightened to hear that as she looked at him in doubt.

"Wow... That one nursery rhyme kinda says all you need to know about Snezhnayan culture... Well, if we weren't your babysitters before we sure as heck are now! ...But where should we look for your brother?" Paimon the explorer has once again ask such an obvious question with an obvious answer.

"Do you think there's any other place that has close connections with Snezhnaya other than Northland Bank?" You asked as she just scratched her head.

"Well, Paimon is trying to be helpful by giving clues! Anyways, let's us head off!" Paimon said as Teucer cheered happily.


Author Note:

Happy birthday to myself and Albedo... How I wish I could have presents for my birthday but who am I kidding... Anyways, hope you guys have a great day today :D!

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