𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒅 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒆

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"Paimon... do I look good?" Aether asked as he seems to be so nervous about this party entitlement as the Honorary Knights.

"Yup, you look amazing. Don't worry about it." Paimon assured him as Aether just sighed and calmed himself down.

"You know, wearing this is really uncomfortable..." Osial said as he adjust his tie but still feel a little strange about the suits. "Do you think Young Master wear like those glitter suits that we found?" Osial asked as Aether shrugged.

"Who knows... We should get going to the party. Maybe Y/N's already there." Aether said as they made their way to the Goth Grand Hotel since they have a ballroom.

As they arrived at the ballroom, there's a lot of people in it. They tried to look for you but you were found to be nowhere.

"Oh, Traveler, you're here, where's Y/N?" Venti questioned and Aether was not surprised that he just wore his everyday outfit coming in here.

"I don't know he's probably still getting ready." Aether answered while Osial felt so strange to be here. "Also, Venti. Meet Alastair, Y/N's friend. Alastair, meet Venti." Aether introduced them as Venti looked at Osial with a smile.

"Nice to meet you! Though, I would really love to chat longer but I have to prepare to perform. I'll see you guys later!" He said as he rushed off somewhere while Paimon huffed.

"Paimon doubt that... Anyways, let's look around while waiting for him! If you excuse Paimon, Paimon is going to the food corner." She said in excitement as she floated her way to the food corner.

"Of course, you'll be there..." Aether said as he sighed before looking at Osial who seems to be in such a huge discomfort. He always shows a huge discomfort whenever you aren't here. "Relax, Y/N will be here. We just have to wait." Aether said as he patted Osial's back which comforted Osial.


.... I'm lost. You thought as you tried to find where's the ballroom. You sighed as you facepalmed to yourself.

"I should have wrote it down..." You muttered before you it suddenly flashed you to use Elemental Sight to track anyone down to the ballroom. "And I am an idiot." You uttered to yourself once again before using your Elemental Sight to see Pyro elemental footprint on the floor.

You followed it until the end which lead you to exactly where you were supposed to be. Just from outside, you could tell that it is absolutely crowded and you couldn't help but worried about Osial.

You slowly entered the ball as you felt a very high Anemo elemental concentration which presumed to be coming from Venti. As you made your way in, you could feel everyone's eyes on you.

 As you made your way in, you could feel everyone's eyes on you

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