𝑬𝒙𝒉𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒂 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒂𝒏 𝒐𝒍𝒅 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕

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You have decided that making Mora is even more tiring than earning them. For five minutes, you managed to make a thousand which is a lot but it took so much of your energy. You have been going for an hour and now you are dead on the floor.

Qiqi didn't know what she was supposed to do so she just summoned her Herald of Frost, hoping that it regained your energy. Which it did and you were thankful for by the way.

"You okay...?" You just nodded as you heard bunch of footsteps headed towards you guys.

You looked at the direction to see Zhongli, Aether and Paimon looking quite disappointed before they took notice of you lying down on the ground.

"Oh god- What the heck. Y/N, why are you down there?" Aether asked as you just sighed as an answer.

"Forgive us, we were unable to fulfill our end of the contract. We found no trace of the Cocogoat adeptibeast of which you speak." Zhongli stated as Qiqi felt a little disappointed.

"Ah... What a disappointment. Don't worry about it, at least he gave me the thing I need the most." Qiqi said as she continued using her Herald of Frost on to you.

"What do you need this Cocogoat for?" Aether asked as you sat up and looked at them.

"She wanted Coconut milk." This of course brought so much surprise and pain to them.

"I... owe you both an apology. I hastily agreed to what appeared to be an equitable agreement with this zombie child, when perhaps I should have undertaken further due diligence." Zhongli apologized as Paimon shook her head.

"Never mind Zhongli, you didn't know. As the Liyue proverb goes, "All things are random, and... so how are you supposed to predict anything?" Literally no-one could have seen this coming..." Paimon stated as she turned to you. "But how did you know she wanted coconut milk?" She asked.

".... I mishear Cocogoat as coconut." You lied as Qiqi was quite clueless why did the aura turned into some sort of frustration.

"Excuse me, everyone. Did Qiqi say a bad thing?" Paimon turned to Aether as she patted his shoulder.

"Oh... Sorry, Aether, but Paimon's gonna leave the job of shattering this poor kiddo's world to you..." Aether looked at Paimon in confusion by why it had to be him to tell Qiqi the truth and yet he ended up doing it anyway.

"No... Im-Impossible..." She seems to be rather upset that was the truth though you remember being in denial when you find out that unicorn doesn't exist when you were 8.

Paimon looked at Qiqi in guilt and said, "Seems Qiqi took this pretty hard." You just took out another coconut milk for her to drink which she accepted it and still in deep thought.

"She just needs time to work through it." Aether said before you noticed Dr. Baizhu entered the room on you could smell an overwhelming Mist flower on him.

He chuckled as he went towards you guys. "Someone learnt a valuable life lesson today, then? Thank you all for looking after my little Qiqi."

Everyone were quite surprised by his appearance except for you. You already know his identity pretty well. "Mighg I ask, who..." Zhongli voice trailed off as Baizhu turned to him with a smile.

"Ah, how rude of me. I'm Baizhu, boss of the Bubu Pharmacy." Baizhu introduced himself.

"Paimon thought Qiqi was the boss... turns out it's some wacko who wears medicinal ingredients around his neck!" Paimon stated as the snake looked at her in offense.

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