𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒖𝒔

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After few hours of walking and climbing, you guys finally arrived at Jueyen Karst. You guys wandered around, trying to find Moon Carver. Instead of you guys found him, he found you first.

"And who might be? Those that dare enter Jueyen Karst?" The booming voice asked which honestly scared you for a moment. "Why does one sense Celestial force near this area?" He asked once again.

"We don't know about the last one but we were sent here." Aether said as he took out the Sigil of Permission from his pocket.

"A Sigil of Permission... Many a season has passed since one was last in the presence of such an item. He before you is the mighty and illuminated adeptus, Moon Carver. Speak, travelers. What business have you here?" He appeared himself right in front of you.

Honestly, he looked even more majestic than you usually would see in game. Paimon was about to explain before she got interrupted by the Milleliths who were trying to capture you.

"Bruh..." You looked at them in disbelief as you took out your sword while many of Milleliths gathered around you. Moon Carver looked at the Milleliths in displease as he sighed.

"...disturbing our borders. See them gone. One will not have interruption." He said as you began to charge towards them. Aether backed you up with but most of the times, you were the one who were doing the huge amount of damage.

The only thing he could do was summoning the mini meteorites on them to give you some shield. Paimon who was observing them fight as she noticed that the pupil of your eyes turned red when you were fighting them. Which was new sight to see.

Your fighting style certainly reminded the adepti of someone and he was quite stunned the fact you have the power of the Seven. "Interesting fellow..." He mumbled.

In few minutes, you already took out every single Millelith that tried to attack you. "I'm exhausted after that..." You said as you put away your sword.

"We've digressed. State your purposes, travellers." Moon Carver said as Paimon began to explain the situation about Rex Lapis' death and you being hunted down despite purifying the air from people being suffocated.

"Preposterous... PREPOSTEROUS!" He roared which honestly shook you for a moment. "The Liyue Qixing... utterly disappointing. How could someone possibly assassinate Rex Lapis during Rite of Descension? And then place the suspicion upon the attendees!? Especially to the one who save the life of Liyue Harbor." He said with clear disappointment tone in his voice.

He looked at you guys in pity as he thought for a moment. He looked at you guys as he said, "Traveler, of the unjust accusations placed upon you, one has become aware. The mind knows its answer. Though one must consult with one's fellows, lest the mind be misguided. Go. Take your Sigil of Permission, carry with you a message." You nodded in response as he gave direction to the adeptus' location.


"Have I ever tell you that I hate climbing mountains?" You said while you were trying to catch your breath. Aether gave you a bottle of water for you to drink.

"You hated everything that requires you to move excessively. That's why you avoid fighting with monsters or people unless they are the Fatui." Paimon stated. She's not lying but you really felt bad for fighting with the hilichurl. Treasure Hoarders are really annoying to fight so you rather just not deal with them at all.

"Anyway, Paimon's hungry. Do you have any food to spare in that magical technology of yours?" She asked as you nodded.

You gave her Fisherman's Toast as she squealed happily. "Yay! Fisherman's Toast!" She said as she chomped down on the food while you guys kept heading towards the top.

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